Bishop Robert C. Morlino said it was “a night of miracles” as he welcomed people to the Mass marking the ordination of Frs. David Gabriel Johannes and Mark William Miller to the priesthood of Jesus Christ for the Diocese of Madison.
Day: July 5, 2012
Praying for life, family, conversion
As the Rosary of bright yellow “Life” balloons was lifted above the Capitol building June 21, it paused a moment, suspended and twisting in the wind above the southwest wing, before rising further into the heavens.
Paper wins national award for excellence
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — The Catholic Herald, Diocese of Madison, was presented with three high-achievement awards from the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada during the Catholic Media Convention June 22 in Indianapolis.
Libertad para entregarnos a Dios
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Queridos amigos:
La semana pasada, el viernes, tuvimos una liturgia muy concurrida y me gustaría recordar las tres áreas que cubrimos, porque cada una está ligada a la otra y cada una es digna de atención para ustedes.
Antes que nada, celebramos la gran fiesta de los Santos Pedro y San Pablo, una importante celebración de la Iglesia y luego tuvimos la alegre ordenación de dos grandes y jóvenes hombres, un momento de tremenda felicidad para nuestra diócesis, y finalmente, tuvimos las actividades de la “Quincena por la Libertad” en la que rezamos por la preservación de la libertad religiosa y la libertad en general, con la ayuda de Dios.
Primeramente me he referido a la fiesta de los Santos Pedro y Pablo. El Papa Benedicto XVI resaltó en su homilía de ese día que la fraternidad de Pedro y Pablo era algo verdaderamente notable. Era interesante ver lo bien que se relacionaban las lecturas de esa fiesta mientras celebrábamos la Quincena por la Libertad, dado que las primeras dos lecturas tenían afirmaciones sobre la libertad de estos dos grandes apóstoles. La primera lectura (Hechos 12:1-11) se refería a cómo Pedro fue liberado para su ministerio apostólico por la directa intervención del ángel del Señor. En la segunda lectura (2 Tim 4, 6-8; 17-18) Pablo agradece a Dios porque se le ha dado la libertad para “pelear la buena pelea” y porque “el Señor lo rescató de la boca del león”.
Lord Teach Me to Pray facilitator training to be offered in Diocese of Madison
MADISON — The Diocese of Madison Office of Evangelization and Catechesis (OEC) will offer facilitator training for the “Lord Teach Me to Pray” (LTMTP) series.
Our Lady of Hope Clinic partners with St. Mary’s Hospital
MADISON — Our Lady of Hope Clinic, Dane County’s only full-time free primary medical care clinic for the uninsured, has partnered with St. Mary’s Hospital to expand the scope of medical care the clinic is able to provide.
Freedom to give ourselves to God
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Dear Friends,
This past week, on Friday, we had a very well attended liturgy and I’d like to recall the three areas we covered, for each of them is tied together and each of them is worthy of your attention.
First of all, we celebrated the great Feast of SS. Peter and Paul, a major feast of the Church, and then we had the festive ordination of two great young men, a moment of tremendous joy for our diocese, and lastly, we marked the major liturgical celebration of our “Fortnight for Freedom,” as we prayed for the preservation of religious liberty and freedom, with God’s help.
First, I spoke of the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul. Pope Benedict XVI remarked, in his homily for this feast, that the fraternity of Peter and Paul was really something remarkable. It was interesting to see how well our readings for the Feast of Peter and Paul worked, and as we celebrated the Fortnight for Freedom — for both of the first two readings had statements about the freedom of those two great apostles. The First Reading (Acts 12:1-11) spoke of how Peter was freed for his apostolic ministry by the direct intervention of the Lord’s angel, and in the Second Reading (2 Tim. 4:6-8, 17-18) Paul thanks God because he has been given the freedom to “fight the good fight,” and that “the Lord rescued him from the lion’s mouth.”
Facing natural disasters: Remember God’s love, reach out to those in need
If we think the year 2012 has brought us unusual weather conditions, we are correct. In fact, reports indicate that the United States experienced its warmest and most extreme weather on record through April, and those conditions seem to be continuing.