School Sister of St. Francis Valine Althaus, 100, who served in education for more than half a century, died January 5, 2012, at St. Joseph Convent, Campbellsport, Wis.
Month: January 2012
School Sister of St. Francis Catherine Guzy, dies
School Sister of St. Francis Catherine Guzy, 87, who served as a teacher, school principal, and an insurance agent, died January 17, 2012, at Sacred Heart Convent, Milwaukee.
Sister Antoinette “Toni” Callahan, OP (Vincent Mary), dies
Sister Antoinette “Toni” Callahan, OP (Vincent Mary), died Jan. 17, 2012, at Swedish Medical Center, Denver, Colo.
School Sister of St. Francis Jane (Esdra) Hilger, dies
School Sister of St. Francis Jane (Esdra) Hilger, who lived her religious vocation as an educator at nearly a dozen Catholic Schools in three states, died January 22, 2012, at St. Joseph Convent, Campbellsport, Wisconsin.
Priest appointment (Jan. 28, 2012)
Rev. Msgr. James Bartylla, Vicar General, announces the following from Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison, effective immediately:
Stand up for religious liberty and rights of conscience
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Bishop Robert C. Morlino has written a letter to the faithful of the Diocese of Madison pertaining to the recent decision by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services requiring all health plans to cover contraception and sterilization free of charge. This ruling affects religious liberty and rights of conscience of millions of people in the United States.
All bishops in the United States are making similar statements and sending similar letters to the faithful in their dioceses. Bishop Morlino has asked that his letter be read, and distributed, at Masses on the weekend of January 28 to 29 in the Diocese of Madison.
Annual Catholic Appeal theme: ‘Fountains of Living Water’
MADISON — “We need Living Water to continue to learn and grow in our faith. Water is so important to normal life, and Living Water represents Christ. The Annual Catholic Appeal creates a ripple effect: One life touches another life.”
Those are the words of Barbara Wills, principal of St. Joseph School in Hazel Green, who is one of those whose reflections are included in the Diocese of Madison’s 2012 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) brochure.
NFP teacher training offered in diocese for first time
MADISON — For the first time, people interested in becoming a Creighton Model Natural Family Planning (NFP) teacher will not have to travel to Omaha, Neb. The training program will be offered in the Diocese of Madison starting in May.
Informational sessions to hear an overview of the program and ask questions will be held on Friday, Feb. 10, at 6 p.m. and Monday, Feb. 20, at 7:30 p.m. at the Bishop O’Connor Center in Madison. People need only attend one of these sessions.
Catholic schools: Faith, academics, service
“Why do we have Catholic schools?” I mean really, why do we have Catholic schools? It’s a question I hear much too often.
Yet it is a question that I am passionate about answering, not just because I’m the superintendent, but because I’ve experienced Catholic schools as a student, a parent, a teacher, and an administrator, and I am completely, totally, and unequivocally convinced that Catholic schools are awesome!
For 20th time, caring people will ‘Recycle the Warmth’
For the 20th time, an annual collection of blankets and bedding will soon offer some warmth and comfort to Dane County people in need.