To the editor:
We find the “Forming Consciences” article (Catholic Herald, September 27, 2012) to be both ambiguous and confusing. Stating that Catholics are to vote using a well-formed conscience is correct; however, our consciences have not been well-formed for the past 40 years or so. This close to the election it is essential that we speak plainly and clearly about what is at stake and disregard “nice platitudes and political correctness.”
Certain issues trump all other issues. The most significant issues trumping all others have to do with religious freedom, abortion, same-sex marriage, contraception, and other “culture of death” issues.
This present administration led by Obama clearly supports abortion, contraception, and same-sex marriage, and has infringed upon our religious freedom. The choice in the national election has never been clearer. While Romney has his many faults, he is clear about his position supporting religious freedom and opposing contraception and same-sex marriage. A vote for the current administration is a grave sin.
As regards to religious freedom, this country is founded on the basis that the government shall not impose religious belief on anyone, nor shall the government interfere with public expression of religion. Similarly we as Catholics have an obligation to speak out against government policies fostering morally perverse laws and regulations. It is not possible to believe one way and vote in a different manner; this is duplicity and deception.
Bill and Joy Exner, Barneveld
Editor’s note: The “Forming Consciences” article published in the Catholic Herald was taken word-for-word from the voter education series prepared by the Wisconsin Catholic Conference, the public policy arm of the state Catholic bishops. Subsequent parts of that series are devoted to issues mentioned in this letter.