To the editor:
During the Year of Faith we recall the Second Vatican Council. I respect the priests who persevered, held things together, and helped to implement the council. Many of these outstanding priests have died. We remember them each year at the Priests Assembly. Others are retired while some are still in active ministry.
The years after the council were challenging, yet graced times. However, priestly and religious vocations gradually decreased. Since 2000 in our diocese, ordinations have increased. In my opinion this happened because the Holy Spirit helped more Catholics to see and respond to the truth that “vocations are everyone’s business.”
In Canon 233 of the Code of Canon Law it says “the duty of fostering vocations rests with the entire Christian community so that the needs of the sacred ministry in the universal church are provided for sufficiently. This duty especially binds Christian families, educators, and in a special way, priests, particularly pastors.
“Diocesan bishops, who most especially are to be concerned for promoting vocations, are to teach the people entrusted to them of the importance of the sacred ministry and of the need for ministers in the Church and are to encourage and support endeavors to foster vocations.”
Fr. Donald Lange, Sinsinawa