To the editor:
This letter is to confused Catholic voters.
This year, Election Day is a moment when the pen will be mightier than the sword, because we currently face life-and-death situations for the unborn and our religious freedom.
It was Jesus who criticized hypocrites for not practicing what they preached, and judged others by their good works, not good words.
As Catholics, we are called to focus on the common good of the people, where decisions are based on “WE, not me.” We are encouraged to choose candidates by their voting records, not their political or religious affiliations. This year the candidates have distinctively different records.
President Obama and Vice President Biden have always voted pro-choice, including for partial-birth abortion, a most inhumane medical procedure. Laws they have passed will mandate that our tax dollars fund abortions, our medical facilities perform abortions, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
Governor Romney in recent years has voted pro-life and believes in the “sanctity of life from beginning to end.” Representative Paul Ryan has always voted pro-life.
If you get to the booth and are still confused, ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?”
Dorene Shuda, Jefferson