The Office of Worship is sponsoring eight workshops on the New Roman Missal that are open to all people of the Diocese.
Year: 2011
María y el sacerdocio
Esta columna está dirigida a los fieles de la Diócesis de Madison. Cualquier circulación más amplia transgrede la intención del Obispo. |
Nota del editor: La siguiente es una transcripción de la homilía del Obispo Robert C. Morlino en las ordenaciones sacerdotales del viernes 6 de mayo en la Iglesia Santa María Goretti en Madison.
Tim, Jorge, “mis hijos” puedo decirles esta noche. Al llamarlos mis hijos, quiero agradecerles a sus padres, sus abuelos, sus familias, por mostrarles lo que significa ser un buen padre, mucho antes de que yo apareciera en la escena. Y quiero agradecerles por haberles mostrado a ustedes dos lo que es ser un hijo fiel.
Todo eso entrará en juego en los días, meses y años por venir. Estoy casi tan orgulloso de ustedes esta noche como sus queridos padres lo están, pero no tan orgulloso (creo que no podría manejarlo) pero sé lo orgullosos que están ellos y yo, ciertamente, estoy orgulloso. Estoy muy agradecido a sus queridos padres y sus familias, por su generosidad en darle a la Iglesia tan maravilloso y generoso don.
Appreciates article about the importance of PBS
To Mark Pattison:
I am writing in support of your article in the March 31 issue of the Catholic Herald about the defunding of PBS. It was so refreshing to read the article that as soon as I finished it, I clipped it out and shared it with a few friends, proud that you too thought it important enough of an issue to make others aware.
Planned Parenthood is largest abortion provider
To the editor:
Abortion plays a huge role in Planned Parenthood’s care of pregnant women. According to a “fact sheet” detailing its “services” for 2009, 332,278 abortions were performed, 7,021 prenatal clients were seen, and 977 adoption referrals were made. That means for 97.6 percent of its 340,276 pregnant clients, abortion was Planned Parenthood’s primary “service.”
Planned Parenthood has been in the business of abortion since 1970, steadily performing more abortions even though the national abortion rate has annually declined.
Mary must be pleased: Local group buys Durward’s Glen to preserve this ‘holy place’
Wisconsin glaciers formed the 35-acre valley in which Durward’s Glen is located in the beautiful Baraboo Bluffs near Devil’s Lake State Park. The valley has a natural spring creek and miniature canyon.
The area used to be owned by the Durward family, who came there in 1862. They have been described as a spiritual family of poets, priests, artists, builders, and writers.
Guardian of the Glen
The family erected a statue of Mary, called “Guardian of the Glen,” as well as the Hermitage and Glen Studio. Their historic home was accidentally burned to the ground in 1951.
It seems that Mary has continued to guard Durward’s Glen throughout the years. Mary Techla Durward, youngest living member of the Durward family at the time, gave the Glen to the Order of St. Camillus in September of 1932. She stipulated that it remain a Catholic institution.
Mary and the priesthood
This column is the bishop’s communication with the faithful of the Diocese of Madison. Any wider circulation reaches beyond the intention of the bishop. |
Editor’s note: The following is a transcription of Bishop Robert C. Morlino’s homily for Priestly Ordinations on Friday, May 6, at St. Maria Goretti Church in Madison.
Tim, Jorge — “my sons,” I get to call you tonight. At the moment I call you my sons, I want to thank both of your dear parents, your grandparents, and your family for showing you what it means to be a good father — long before I came on the scene. And I want to thank them for showing you what it is to be a faithful son.
All of that will come into play in the days, the months, and the years ahead. I’m almost as proud of you tonight as your dear parents are — not quite as proud (I don’t think I could manage that) but I know how proud they are and I, certainly, am proud. I’m so grateful to your dear parents and your family, for their generosity in giving the Church such a wonderful, unselfish gift.
Sister Marie Owen (Clarke) Monaghan, OP, dies
Sister Marie Owen Monaghan, OP, died April 29, 2011, at St. Dominic Villa, Hazel Green, WIsc.
Exploding the myth of Hitler’s pope
MADISON — At the most recent St. Thérèse of Lisieux Lecture held at the Bishop O’Connor Catholic Pastoral Center April 7, renowned Jewish-American author Rabbi David G. Dalin confronted the myths and legends surrounding the papacy of Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust.
Mosaic remembers Treyton Kilar
Two Catholic parish communities gathered at St. John the Baptist Church in Jefferson on a recent afternoon for a celebratory Mass and dedication of the Sacred Heart Mosaic in honor of Treyton Kilar.
Divina Misericordia suma a la historia de la Cuaresma y la Pascua
Esta columna está dirigida a los fieles de la Diócesis de Madison. Cualquier circulación más amplia transgrede la intención del Obispo. |
El domingo pasado hubo una celebración maravillosa en muchas formas. Y el Evangelio del domingo –el segundo domingo de Pascua– fue simplemente espectacular.
En Juan 20:19-31 vemos a Jesús aparecer ante los Apóstoles en Su cuerpo resucitado y usando el saludo “La paz sea con vosotros”. La paz a la que Jesús se refiere, por supuesto, es la paz del cielo, ese “Shalom”, ese bienestar total, es parte de la alegría celestial y del descanso en el paraíso. La paz a la que Jesús se refiere es la paz del cielo mismo.
Jesús murió para que los pecados sean perdonados
¿Y qué dice Jesús luego de eso? “Reciban el Espíritu Santo. A quienes perdonen sus pecados les sean perdonados, y a quienes se los aten queden atados”. Una parte esencial de la paz celestial y la alegría, y la razón de la muerte de Jesús y su resurrección, ¡es el perdón de los pecados! El cuerpo de Jesús fue quebrado y Su sangre fue derramada para que nuestros pecados sean perdonados, para que así haya misericordia. Esencial para el “Shalom” celestial contenido en el saludo de Jesús, es que Su misericordia es derramada sobre nosotros, que los pecados son perdonados.