Respect for all human life certainly begins with the unborn baby, but it should continue by respecting human life at all its stages.
Year: 2011
Human beings are not commodities
The cornerstone of Catholic social teaching is that human life is sacred. As such the Catholic Conference evaluates any law, policy, or program in terms of its impact on the life and dignity of the human person.
Teaching on the economy
Catholic teaching on the economy reflects this emphasis on the human person. Pope John Paul II put it quite directly in his 1981 encyclical letter, Laborem exercens. He recalled that the error of early capitalism can be repeated wherever humans are treated as mere instruments or means of production and not as ends in themselves.
Appointments (Oct. 13, 2011 edition)
Rev. Msgr. James Bartylla, Vicar General, announces the following appointments made by Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison:
40 Days for Life vigil campaign
The 40 Days for Life vigil kicked off with a meeting September 27 and talk by a local pro-lifer who was instrumental in the eventual defeat of the abortion plans at the Madison Surgery Center.
New St. Vincent de Paul Store opens in Verona
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is grateful for the warm welcome the society’s new Verona store has received from the community since opening its doors at 513 W. Verona Ave. in mid-September.
Project Rachel provides healing and forgiveness
MADISON — “Draw close to my heart. There you will find the peace and happiness you seek.”
Jesus speaks these words to every human being, even those who have sinned or fallen short of what God expects of us.
Community garden helps Catholic Multicultural Center
MADISON — In its 65th year of service, lack of fresh, healthy produce in the food pantry is no longer a problem for the Catholic Multicultural Center (CMC).
An over one-acre community garden began providing produce for the center this spring. The garden, which has been in existence for 12 years, is one of three overseen by a local volunteer group, Madison Area Food Pantry Gardens.
Remembering miscarried, stillborn babies
St. Mary Parish in Pine Bluff is set to host a ceremony for the naming and commendation of miscarried and stillborn babies on Friday, Oct. 14.
It’s a child, not a choice: Ultrasounds have powerful impact on pregnant women
In October we celebrate Respect Life Month. This is a special opportunity for Catholics to reflect on issues involving respect for all life from womb to tomb.
During October, I will focus on various life issues in the “Editor’s View,” starting at the beginning of life. I also encourage people to read the special Respect Life section and other articles in this week’s print edition and online edition of the Catholic Herald.
Life begins at conception
Human life begins at conception. The union of the egg and sperm includes all the genetic material needed for the baby to grow and develop.