The leaders of Wisconsin’s five Roman Catholic dioceses have written the Obama administration to express opposition to the mandated full coverage of sterilization, contraception, and related counseling services by private health plans as required under new federal health care reform regulations.
Day: September 8, 2011
WYD: Seeing the world through pilgrim’s eyes
A pilgrimage, in its most basic sense, is a journey. But it is far more than that — often undertaken as a form of penance or as a way to spiritually strengthen oneself, a pilgrimage is a test of one’s faith, endurance, and dedication to God.
Fr. James McEnery writes a Mass setting for new translation
MADISON — Fr. James McEnery, a pastor emeritus in the Diocese of Madison, has written a Mass setting for the new translation of the Roman Missal.
Pilgrimage to shrine in Champion planned Oct. 16
CHAMPION — This is the story about a miracle that took place in what is now Champion, Wis., in 1859. The Council of Catholic Women (CCW) of St. Joseph Parish in Fort Atkinson is planning a pilgrimage there on Sunday, Oct. 16.
The miracle received full Church approbation by Bishop David L. Ricken of Green Bay on December 8, 2010, after a long and rigorous study by a special diocesan commission.
Ahora tenemos un llamado a una nueva evangelización
Esta columna está dirigida a los fieles de la Diócesis de Madison. Cualquier circulación más amplia transgrede la intención del Obispo. |
Queridos amigos:
Con la llegada del Día del Trabajo y el comienzo del año escolar en muchas escuelas, hemos llegado al final no oficial del verano. Rezo para que este tiempo haya sido de descanso y solaz para ustedes y los suyos, y le agradezco a Dios que así haya sido en mi caso.
Cada año, el Papa Benedicto pasa algunos días hacia finales de agosto con un grupo de académicos, la mayoría de los cuales fueron sus alumnos cuando él era maestro universitario.
Este grupo, adecuadamente llamado los “Schülerkreis” del Papa o “círculo de estudios” dedica algo de su tiempo a ayudar al Santo Padre a hacer lo que él considera más reparador y revitalizante: es decir, leer, debatir, estudiar y orar sobre un tema durante una semana más o menos. Esta probablemente no es la idea que tienen ustedes de unas vacaciones “divertidas”, pero nos da una hermosa luz sobre el interior del hombre que es nuestro Santo Padre, y le damos gracias a Dios por él.
Good is coming out of the ashes of 9/11
In some ways it doesn’t seem like 10 years since the events of 9/11. I can still remember September 11, 2001, when I was on vacation in Dublin, Ireland, with my mother-in-law and my daughter.
It was upsetting to be away from our country while it was being attacked, but the Irish people gave us their support during that time of tragedy. Ireland even held a day of prayer and remembrance for the victims of 9/11 on September 14, 2001.
Now is our call to a new evangelization
Dear Friends,
With the coming of Labor Day and the start of so many school years, we’ve come upon the unofficial end of summer. I pray that this summer was somewhat restful and restorative for you and yours, and I thank God that mine was indeed.