To Mark Pattison:
I am writing in support of your article in the March 31 issue of the Catholic Herald about the defunding of PBS. It was so refreshing to read the article that as soon as I finished it, I clipped it out and shared it with a few friends, proud that you too thought it important enough of an issue to make others aware.
As with so many things, we often take such longstanding and beneficial organizations as PBS for granted until they are threatened. Approximately two weeks before I read your article, I was made aware of the issue and immediately called our state congressmen’s offices in Washington, D.C. to encourage them to vote against defunding.
I am reminded of the phrase I have read on PBS, which states, “If not now, when? If not us, who?” Please consider adopting that phrase for yourself and continue to speak your conscience. My friends and I are many and we are behind you.
Carrie Bach, Madison