At a small gathering at the Bishop O’Connor Center recently, clients and support team members from Catholic Charities, Diocese of Madison’s Supportive Living Program gathered to celebrate an anniversary.
Day: September 23, 2010
An invitation to serve — from the heart
The invitation may not be engraved, but it’s from the heart.
Members of several Society of St. Vincent de Paul conferences in the Madison area will hold an “Invitation to Serve” weekend at their parishes this Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 25 to 26, to invite fellow parishioners to join them in growing spiritually through service to the poor or suffering.
Survival: a victory truly worth celebrating
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This column is the bishop’s communication with the faithful of the Diocese of Madison. Any wider circulation reaches beyond the intention of the bishop. |
Dear Friends,
Last Friday evening I was privileged to celebrate the Eucharist for the International Retrouvaille gathering here in Madison. It is always an honor to welcome others to our diocese, particularly when the community gathered has an international flavor.
Many of you know that Retrouvaille is an excellent movement in the Catholic Church which calls for husbands and wives whose marriage is, to some degree, in trouble, to the kind of conversion-of-heart that enables them to rediscover the sacramental grace that they receive for the first time on their wedding day and that they are called to renew in the Lord every blessed day. The members of Retrouvaille are very seasoned people as husbands and wives, though not necessarily seasoned in the sense of “older,” and they are very strong in their faith. It is always an energizing experience to be among them.
Survival: a victory truly worth celebrating
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This column is the bishop’s communication with the faithful of the Diocese of Madison. Any wider circulation reaches beyond the intention of the bishop. |
Dear Friends,
Last Friday evening I was privileged to celebrate the Eucharist for the International Retrouvaille gathering here in Madison. It is always an honor to welcome others to our diocese, particularly when the community gathered has an international flavor.
Many of you know that Retrouvaille is an excellent movement in the Catholic Church which calls for husbands and wives whose marriage is, to some degree, in trouble, to the kind of conversion-of-heart that enables them to rediscover the sacramental grace that they receive for the first time on their wedding day and that they are called to renew in the Lord every blessed day. The members of Retrouvaille are very seasoned people as husbands and wives, though not necessarily seasoned in the sense of “older,” and they are very strong in their faith. It is always an energizing experience to be among them.
Friends of the Poor Walk in the Dells
What happens when you need a friend and there’s no one there? Having no one to turn to in a moment of need is a trying experience for anyone, but especially for the poor.
Clergy to attend 30th annual priest assembly
WISCONSIN DELLS — Priests from throughout the Diocese of Madison are expected to attend the 30th annual Presbyteral Assembly held September 26 to 29 at the Chula Vista Resort.
Supervivencia: una Victoria verdaderamente digna de celebrarse
Esta columna está dirigida a los fieles de la Diócesis de Madison. Cualquier circulación más amplia transgrede la intención del Obispo. |
Queridos amigos:
La noche del viernes pasado tuve el privilegio de celebrar la Eucaristía para el Encuentro Internacional de Retrouvaille aquí en Madison. Siempre es un honor recibir a otros en nuestra diócesis, particularmente cuando la comunidad que se reúne tiene un tinte internacional.
Muchos de ustedes saben que Retrouvaille es un excelente movimiento en la Iglesia Católica para esposos y esposas cuyos matrimonios están, de alguna manera, en crisis. Este grupo llama al tipo de conversión del corazón que les permite redescubrir la gracia sacramental que recibieron por primera vez en el día de su boda y que están llamados a renovar en el Señor cada día bendito. Los miembros de Retrouvaille son gente muy interesante como esposos y esposas, no con eso quiero decir que sean mayores, sino que son muy fuertes en su fe. Siempre es una experiencia energizante estar entre ellos.
Supervivencia: una Victoria verdaderamente digna de celebrarse
Esta columna está dirigida a los fieles de la Diócesis de Madison. Cualquier circulación más amplia transgrede la intención del Obispo. |
Queridos amigos:
La noche del viernes pasado tuve el privilegio de celebrar la Eucaristía para el Encuentro Internacional de Retrouvaille aquí en Madison. Siempre es un honor recibir a otros en nuestra diócesis, particularmente cuando la comunidad que se reúne tiene un tinte internacional.
Muchos de ustedes saben que Retrouvaille es un excelente movimiento en la Iglesia Católica para esposos y esposas cuyos matrimonios están, de alguna manera, en crisis. Este grupo llama al tipo de conversión del corazón que les permite redescubrir la gracia sacramental que recibieron por primera vez en el día de su boda y que están llamados a renovar en el Señor cada día bendito. Los miembros de Retrouvaille son gente muy interesante como esposos y esposas, no con eso quiero decir que sean mayores, sino que son muy fuertes en su fe. Siempre es una experiencia energizante estar entre ellos.
Creation stems from God’s nature of three persons
To the editor:
Atheists and their associates in the scientific community have lately garnered considerable publicity.
Stephen Hawking, the famed British cosmologist, is the latest entry. When believers try to rebut them by asserting that God created the universe, they often leave the impression that God is a solitary individual who arbitrarily made something out of nothing.
Creation stems from God’s nature of three persons
To the editor:
Atheists and their associates in the scientific community have lately garnered considerable publicity.
Stephen Hawking, the famed British cosmologist, is the latest entry. When believers try to rebut them by asserting that God created the universe, they often leave the impression that God is a solitary individual who arbitrarily made something out of nothing.