The Diocese of Madison Office of Catholic Schools and St. John the Baptist Parish and School in Jefferson ask for prayers for the family of school principal Mary Kilar after a car accident on Thursday, Sept. 2, injured her husband and children and took the life of her six-year-old son, Treyton.
Day: September 2, 2010
Apostolate holds annual summer outing
WISCONSIN DELLS — The Apostolate to the Handicapped held its annual “Day in the Dells” on August 20 on the beautiful Tommy Bartlett grounds, where Mass was celebrated with many priests from the diocese participating, and which included a both humorous and touching homily by program icon Msgr. Thomas F. Campion.
Get educated on the Catholic faith
Following an excellent first year of educational service in the Diocese of Madison, the Seat of Wisdom Diocesan Institute will kick off its second year beginning Tuesday, Sept. 7, at the Cathedral Parish of St. Raphael.
Legislative control might go beyond two years
The party that wins the most seats in a November election gets to control the state Senate and the state Assembly for the following two years. But when the election occurs in the same year as the census, the stakes are even higher.
Whoever controls the legislature in 2011 will have to reapportion the state’s 99 Assembly districts, 33 Senate districts, and eight congressional districts to reflect the population shifts recorded in the 2010 census. The district boundaries drawn by this reapportionment process will govern legislative elections until 2022.
Bishops share resources on faithful citizenship
The Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC), the public policy voice of Wisconsin’s bishops, is distributing several resources to help Catholics reflect on their duties as faithful citizens. The state primary election will be held on September 14.
Grandparents Day connects generations with bonds of love
In 1978 President Jimmy Carter proclaimed that National Grandparents Day would be observed on the first Sunday after Labor Day. This year we observe Grandparents Day on September 12. We remember and thank those who helped to make this special day possible.
We thankfully remember Hermine Beckett Hanna, for her contributions to Grandparents Day. On February 21, 1990, New York Congressman James T. Walsh officially recognized her efforts on behalf of grandparents
Bishop Morlino to celebrate Mass in extraordinary form
Bishop Robert C. Morlino is scheduled to preside and preach at a Mass in the Extraordinary Form at St. Patrick Church, 404 E. Main St., on Sunday, September 5, at 9 a.m.
Holiness: most important form of evangelization
“Holiness, whether ascribed to popes well-known to history or to humble lay and religious figures, from one continent to another of the globe, has emerged more clearly as the dimension which expresses best the mystery of the Church. Holiness, a message that convinces without the need for words, is the living reflection of the face of Christ.” (Pope John Paul II)
The quote speaks for itself, eh? Holiness, as John Paul II reflected, is the way in which we bring the living Christ to the world.
First dinner auction for All Saints School
All Saints School is putting the final touches on its first annual dinner auction, “Monopolize the Night.”
Bible classes offered at St. Bernard, Madison
St. Bernard Parish in Madison will be offering several Bible studies and a course on the history of the Church this fall.