Rev. Msgr. James Bartylla, Vicar General, announces the following appointments made by Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison, effective Saturday, July 10, 2010, and announced at weekend Masses Sunday, May 16:
Day: May 20, 2010
Victory for life, but boycott of UW continues
The Wisconsin Attorney General’s office confirmed last week that the Madison Surgery Center (MSC) will not be providing late-term abortions. Thank God! For that reason, we are happy to announce that the boycott of the Madison Surgery Center has ended.
The University of Wisconsin, however, continues to insist it is committed to providing late-term abortions in the Madison area. There is no chosen location as yet to replace the Madison Surgery Center, and the UW is cloaking their search in secrecy.
National president to speak at convention
MADISON — Sandra Hull, Patch Grove, diocesan president, has issued the call to the 56th annual convention of the Madison Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (MDCCW) to be held Tuesday and Wednesday, June 15 to 16, at the Bishop O’Connor Center here.
Legislative session was ‘mixed bag’
No political leader can fulfill every promise, right every wrong, or solve every problem. Nor can a body like the Wisconsin Legislature achieve perfection over the course of its 16 or so months of legislative activity.
So it is no surprise that the 2009 to 2010 legislative session that ended on April 22 did so with a mixed record of accomplishments and disappointments.
Office of Planning: Helping parishes fulfill their mission
The Office of Planning has its strategic mission focused on parish pastoral planning, that is, helping parish leadership, be it pastors, councils, or staff, fulfill their mission of building “a familial and welcoming home” (Christifideles Laici, 26) for each parish community.
Traveling alone: an assertive adventure
We were on our way to the airport, my daughter Kathi driving me, and I was sipping water from my new Thermos when I commented that it would be the first time for “alone travel” in many years, but with the wheel chair service provided by the airlines, it should be okay.
Kathi agreed that I should do well, what with my assertive personality and all. I wasn’t sure that was a compliment, but still . . . It’s true I’m no shrinking violet, and that might serve me well.
Congratulations, graduates! Catholic schools have prepared you well
This is the season of graduations. Students, family members, friends, and teachers are celebrating graduation from pre-schools, grade schools, high schools, and colleges.
It’s a time of great joy mixed with some sadness, as students celebrate their accomplishments but also leave behind the familiar and venture into the unknown. Parents of high school graduates especially find themselves looking forward to their children growing into adults and possibly leaving home for college. Some parents may face the empty nest with trepidation — and others may high five their spouses!
We find Jesus in a concrete way in the Church
I hope each of you enjoyed a very blessed Feast of the Ascension this past weekend, and with you I continue to look forward to the Feast of Pentecost! I noted last week that we, as a Church, are already turned in our hearts and in our minds toward Pentecost and, certainly, with the Ascension of the Lord, we become even more alert in our anticipation of the descent of the Holy Spirit.
As we look at St. Luke’s description of the Ascension, we notice that, interestingly, the “two men clothed in white” who appeared to the apostles after Jesus ascended say to them, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand here, staring up into the heavens? This Jesus, whom you see, going up into heaven will return the same way as you just saw Him go into the heavens.” What does it mean that Jesus will return “in the same way?”