MADISON — As he approaches his 30th year as a bishop (he was ordained a bishop on August 12, 1980, in St. Paul, Minn.), Bishop William H. Bullock, bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Madison, remains active, especially in teaching and preaching.
Day: May 13, 2010
Preview of Pentecost and Mary’s special role
As we work our way through May, through this Month of Mary, our hearts, with Mary, continue to rejoice at the Resurrection of Jesus and our eyes look to Pentecost. In as much as we are always looking forward to Pentecost, to the descent of the Holy Spirit upon us, we are with Mary and so, too, with the Church.
Catholic schools planning enters next phase
The Office of Catholic Schools, in conjunction with the Office of Planning, under Bishop Robert C. Morlino’s direction, have completed their review and revision of the recommendations stemming from the Catholic Schools Planning Process.
After the bishop fully reviewed and considered all available information, small changes and additions were made in order to best fit the recommendations into the larger scope of diocesan planning. Aside from these changes, the plan retains the recommendations put forth by the Steering Committee.
Derail the pity train and start living
Entitlement. The idea many of us take on in which we truly believe that we deserve what we have. And it doesn’t stop there. We often find that this idea of entitlement, once bought into, quickly turns into pity. Self-pity.
From deserving what I have, to thinking that I deserve more. We train ourselves into thinking that “what I have, though I deserve it,” is simply not good enough.
University of Wisconsin and Meriter should stop plans to offer late-term abortions
To the editor:
In recent days, there have been confusing messages coming in various ways from the University of Wisconsin (UW) regarding its late-term abortion plans.
Much has been made of the location of the killing center.
Calls to abolish all nuclear weapons
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I’ve heard about the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, in 1945. But seeing a picture of the remains of a statue of Mary that survived one of those bombs made those tragedies a reality for me.
A scorched head of a statue of Mary (pictured with this editorial) remained after the blast that destroyed Nagasaki’s Urakami Cathedral on August 9, 1945. The statue once graced the main altar of the cathedral. The haunting eyes of the statue remind viewers of what it might have been like for the 75,000 people who died during the blast.
Anticipándonos a Pentecostés y el especial rol de María
Esta columna está dirigida a los fieles de la Diócesis de Madison. Cualquier circulación más amplia transgrede la intención del Obispo. |
Mientras caminamos en mayo, a través de este mes de María, nuestros corazones, con María, se siguen alegrando con la Resurrección de Jesús y nuestros ojos miran a Pentecostés. Mientras miramos hacia adelante a este acontecimiento, a la venida del Espíritu Santo sobre nosotros, estamos con María y así también con la Iglesia.
La Iglesia, el fin de semana pasado, nos dio algunas lecturas en las que, de modo oculto, ofrece una maravillosa anticipación de la Fiesta de Pentecostés. Todo el “ícono”, la imagen, de Pentecostés fue ocultada en nuestras lecturas del fin de semana. ¿Cómo así?