This spring, from February 17 to March 28, Madison and surrounding communities are uniting with over 160 other large cities across America, as well as locations in Australia, Canada, and Ireland, for the largest coordinated spring pro-life mobilization in history — the nationwide 40 Days for Life campaign.
Day: February 11, 2010
Rite of Election to be held February 21
MADISON — The Rite of Election of Catechumens and Call to Continuing Conversion for Candidates for Full Communion in the Catholic Church will be celebrated by the churches of the Diocese of Madison on Sunday, Feb. 21, at 3 p.m. at St. John the Baptist Parish in Waunakee.
Arlene McMorran celebrates 25 years as principal
Among accolades honoring Arlene McMorran for serving 25 years as Our Lady of the Assumption (OLA) School principal is the Outstanding Catholic Educator Award in the Diocese of Madison. The honorary plaque was recently presented to McMorran by Madison Diocesan Superintendent of Schools Michael Lancaster.
State Senate improves access to public defender
Since Wisconsin does not permit capital punishment, the most significant action government can take is that of depriving a person of his or her freedom.
This loss of freedom makes the stakes in any criminal proceeding of great importance to the accused. That is why fairness is critical to our system of criminal justice.
Camino a casa durante el tiempo de Cuaresma
Esta columna está dirigida a los fieles de la Diócesis de Madison. Cualquier circulación más amplia transgrede la intención del Obispo. |
Queridos amigos:
En primer lugar, permítanme agradecerles muy sinceramente por recordarme en sus oraciones durante mis vacaciones. Fueron días especiales para mí de amistad, especialmente con el Señor, y también de necesario descanso y recreo. He disfrutado esta temporada de mucha vida. Estoy seguro que en gran parte se debió a sus oraciones y, por supuesto, los recordé a todos ustedes en cada día.
Mientras me pongo al corriente, permítanme por favor compartir con ustedes, brevemente, mis pensamientos sobre la Cuaresma de este año que ya está cerca. Hubo recientemente un ataque de tiburón que terminó con la muerte de una persona. Uno de los expertos en tiburones que fue consultado dijo, al final de todo, lo siguiente: el océano es el hábitat natural de los tiburones y de otras criaturas marinas: no es el hábitat natural de los seres humanos y por lo tanto ingresar en él siempre conlleva cierto riesgo.
Doctors are not God
To the editor:
One of the readings this week (Jeremiah 1:5) said, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.”
Moral decisions on life are not between a woman and her doctors, for doctors are not God.
Abortion decisions violate intentions of founders
To the editor:
In the Declaration of Independence, it states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
In the 14th amendment it states: “nor shall any State deprive any person of life . . . nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
Is it too little, too late?
Just when it looked like state and federal abstinence-based sex education programs were set to lose funding, a new study shows that abstinence-only programs do work.
But is it too little, too late to change minds, hearts, and government programs?
I hope not.
Knights of Columbus raise funds for ultrasound machines
At a recent Knights of Columbus meeting, members received information about a new Supreme Council program called the Ultrasound Initiative.
Seminarian instituted as lector
On Sunday, Jan. 17, 51 seminarians of the Pontifical North American College were instituted to the Ministry of Lector during a celebration of the Eucharist. Scott M. Jablonski of the Diocese of Madison, who is in his first year of theological studies, was among those seminarians instituted.