To the editor:
The swooning over the president’s recent visit to UW-Madison is dying down, but the sinister similarity between the man and the institution is very much alive.
Obama has an abysmal voting record on abortion issues; as an Illinois senator he voted down medical help for babies who survived abortion, allowing them to slowly suffocate.
And when it comes to abortion services, UW has been first at the trough for decades.
While a pro-choice nursing student in the mid-70s, I “walked through” a second trimester abortion for a human sexuality class. The mother was 19, a University of Minnesota sophomore, and about 20 weeks pregnant.
I held her hand while the resident, using a needle and syringe, removed about a cup of amniotic fluid and replaced it with concentrated saline that would poison and kill her fetus, then induce labor to expel it.
Since this took several hours, I went to classes, returning after she delivered a little boy into a bedpan, alone. I saw him, huddled under a towel in the dirty utility room. The experience left me shaken, tearing a sizable hole in my pro-choice armor.
What UW did between then and now has fallen into shadow. But make no mistake, UW’s bloody prints are all over Wisconsin’s unborn, and Obama’s bloodier-still prints are on top.
Colleen Schultz, Mineral Point