To the editor:
Lisa Petsche’s informative article “Considering a move? First explore the variety” (Catholic Herald, July 22, 2010) lacked information of use to senior citizens with hearing impairment.
Hearing impairment is the most common disability in senior citizens. Senior citizens who are searching for retirement housing should know that there are various “gadgets” that can offer greater safety and comfort and enhance their social life.
All alarm systems in senior housing should include visual alarms. TVs in common areas should always have closed captioning on. Public announcements in such centers can also be done by light boards and other visual communication aids. Doorbells should offer visual notification. Telephones in public areas should have TTY boards.
Staff should be aware of various programs that can assist seniors with purchasing useful “gadgets” and where to obtain such. Recreation areas should offer personal amplification systems to those engaged in social activities. Chapels and confessionals should have assistive listening systems.
Peggy Rakow, Madison