To the editor:
It is extremely encouraging for a layperson like me to hear from a medical expert like Dr. Michael Robiolio that “there is never a need for an abortion even in these cases.” The cases referred to in the guest column, “Catholic physician’s perspective on the health care debate,” in the March 25 issue of the Catholic Herald, are rape, incest, and threat to the mother’s life.
The intensity and the passion of the living faith of Dr. Michael radiates throughout this column. His column exposes the hidden political and liberal agenda of Mr. Magliano, from CNS, who seems to believe that the end will justify the means, and the article of Nancy Frazier, which exposes the emptiness of faith and the depth of poverty in the moral values of a Catholic nun, Sister Carol, Daughter of Charity, who cannot wait to praise the partisan Congress and to celebrate their victory over the will of 62 percent of tax-paying Americans!
Francis Paliekara, Fond du Lac