To the editor:
In the article “Latin Mass appeal” in the Catholic Herald (February 11, 2010), Kenneth J. Wolfe does not mention that Latin was introduced into the liturgy as a vernacular language for the Romans by Pope Saint Callistus between 217 and 222 AD. He felt sorry for the Romans since they could not understand Greek. Latin was their speaking language.
He does not mention that the language of the first Mass, the Last Supper, was Aramaic.
He does not mention that the languages of the second Mass, the Crucifixion, were Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, and Greek.
He doesn’t mention that after the Crucifixion in the Jerusalem area there was a twofold liturgy in the temple and in the Christian homes. The languages for the twofold liturgy were Hebrew and Aramaic.
This only covers languages in the liturgy in the very early Church. Limitation of 200 words does not permit further knowledge on later years.
We should always remember that Latin was introduced into the liturgy as a vernacular language to satisfy the Romans.
Charles J. Sippel, Waterloo