In the manger of Bethlehem was born for us true hope. At Christmas we “remember” not only what happened some 2,000 years ago, but indeed, we remember all that Jesus Christ is for us and all that He has promised.
Day: December 24, 2009
St. Ambrose Christmas dinner
MADISON — St. Ambrose Academy hosted its third annual Christmas benefit dinner and silent auction on Friday, Dec. 11, at the Bishop O’Connor Center. The evening’s success made the school’s supporters’ spirits bright.
Dreaming of a truly ‘green’ Christmas
Dear Friends,
As we hear the sounds of “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” so frequently in the background these days, our national and even global attention has been focused on matters “green” in terms of the events that have taken place in Copenhagen, Denmark, at the Climate Change Conference.
The loving service of Religious Sisters in the missions
In thinking about Christmas, children are immediately brought to mind. So many children in the missions tragically live with immense suffering and violence, even war and all that comes with it. Other children in the developing world face extraordinary poverty and its related challenges.
But thanks to the work and witness of religious Sisters, these mission children also come to experience what sustains us — the message of God’s great love for us, the “Good News” proclaimed by the angels that first Christmas.
Peace on earth
On Christmas day in 1864, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow listened to Christmas bells ring out the good news of peace on earth. But he lacked the Christmas spirit of peace.
He was still suffering from the tragic death of his wife Fanny in 1861. And Charles, his son, had been wounded in our country’s bloody civil war, which he feared would kill or wound many more Americans.
The greatest gift of all
The economic crisis our country is experiencing provides us with a wonderful opportunity to focus more on the true meaning of Christmas, rather than on the materialistic spirit that often permeates our Western culture.
Since so many people are unemployed or under employed and many family incomes are shrinking, a number of people will have to limit the type of gifts they give.
Soñando con una verdadera Navidad “verde”
Esta columna está dirigida a los fieles de la Diócesis de Madison. Cualquier circulación más amplia transgrede la intención del Obispo. |
Queridos amigos:
Mientras escuchamos los sonidos de “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” (Estoy soñando con una blanca Navidad) que se oye por todos lados en estos días, la atención nacional e incluso global se ha concentrado en los asuntos “verdes” relacionados con los eventos de Copenhage, Dinamarca, en la Cumbre sobre el Cambio Climático.
Teacher appreciated participating in contest
To the editor:
We enjoyed participating in the Catholic Herald youth writing and drawing contest focusing on the Year for Priests. Our entire school took part in gratefully reflecting on and celebrating the many special qualities of Father Bakke.
Don’t be duped by term ‘reproductive choice’
To the editor:
“Reproductive choice” is a camouflage term for abortion of unborn babies at all stages of development. No matter how hard one tries to hide the term abortion, the procedure of abortion is always murder.