Bishop Robert C. Morlino blesses some farm equipment brought by a farmer from Cuba City following the Rural Life Mass at Immaculate Conception Church in Truman October 20. The bishop blessed two ponies, five tractors, and other farm equipment — including a “drive-by” blessing of a manure treatment system — outside the church. (Catholic Herald photo |
TRUMAN — People filled the pews at Immaculate Conception Church for the third annual Rural Life Mass held by the Diocese of Madison. Many also brought their farm equipment and a few animals to be blessed by Bishop Robert C. Morlino afterwards.
The Mass drew young and old from around Truman and the Diocese of Madison. Thirteen priests from throughout the diocese concelebrated the Mass on October 20.
After the Mass and blessing, the majority of the congregation gathered downstairs in the specially decorated social hall for a reception held by the Altar Society at Immaculate Conception Parish.
The parish had been cleaning and getting ready and planning since they heard about Truman hosting the event, said Irma Kliebenstein. “We wanted it to be festive, but family oriented.”