To the editor:
I read with mixed emotions an article in the March 22 issue of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel titled “Supporters lobby for Catholic lay worker in Beloit.” As I expected, Bishop Morlino had once again made an executive decision based on the teachings of the Catholic Church and not on the latest popularity poll.
At a time when religion is constantly being undermined by the media, public educators, and politicians, shouldn’t we be supporting our religious leaders? During this Lenten season, dwelling on the response Jesus got while spreading His Father’s word, I decided to lobby on Bishop Morlino’s behalf for the following reasons:
- I am truly grateful for his concern about those who “sow seeds of doubt” instead of “seeds of faith.” I commend him for having the courage to take action, in spite of the re-action.
- Last but not least, his “visible and invincible stand” on all pro-life issues, from leading the rosary in front of an abortion clinic to speaking out on legislative issues at the Capitol. We have all been truly blessed by his “uncompromising Catholic presence” so many times and in so many ways!
Dorene Shuda, Jefferson