To the editor:
I commend the organizations sponsoring the “Boycott Hospitals that Allow Abortions” ad in the Wisconsin State Journal. Although I believe limitations exist in a person’s ability to change the provider of their health insurance, the ad brings clear attention to the issue of the unlimited availability of abortions regardless of where the mother is in her pregnancy.
The University of Wisconsin Hospital-Meriter Hospital facility is aligning their services along the current abortion laws and the possible enactment of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA).
I am troubled with the rapid erosion of standards for protecting human life. Viable fetuses have no protection under law when it comes to abortion. If the mother decides to terminate her pregnancy of a viable fetus, the mother has the convenient crutch of saying her life or health is at risk. The leap is not that great to the mother claiming a mental health risk.
It was in the mid-20th century that a nation’s people chose to ignore the genocidal actions of their government. At that time, the victims were not a concern of the general public. Those victims were not permitted a voice in their government.
And now I find the situation in the United States to be frighteningly and disturbingly similar to the indifference demonstrated over 60 years ago. I fear the result will again lead to millions of lost lives.
I ask that people concerned about the destruction of the unborn to make their feelings known to their representatives, organizations, media, and associates.
Dick Rydecki, Oregon