To the editor:
Last spring the U.S. marked five years at war in Iraq and now we approach the call-up of 3,000 Wisconsin National Guard members for duty in Iraq. Surely there will be a growing number of local deaths in the Iraq war.
To the editor:
Last spring the U.S. marked five years at war in Iraq and now we approach the call-up of 3,000 Wisconsin National Guard members for duty in Iraq. Surely there will be a growing number of local deaths in the Iraq war.
To the editor:
You began your Editor’s View of the December 11, 2008, issue with the declaration that “ . . . people are suffering from the effects of an economic crisis worse than we’ve experienced since the Great Depression . . . ” You exhorted readers to participate in diocesan works of spiritual and material support for the unemployed. I very much applaud the works of charity you encourage. However, your statement about the gravity of this crisis is exaggerated and harmful.
Sr. Maureen Lathers, formerly known as Marilyn Elizabeth Lathers, died on December 24, 2008, at Marilyn Anderson Hospice Center in Madison, Wisconsin.
“Upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone.”
In his traditional talk after the Mass at the annual Apostolate to the Handicapped Christmas Party, director Msgr. Thomas F. Campion spoke of a boy, Adam Bender, whose story of overcoming the odds has been written up recently in several news outlets nationally.
At its Lessons and Carols concert Sunday, Dec. 21, the Madison Diocesan Choir will give a premiere performance of “Blessed Are You,” a setting of the Beatitudes the choir commissioned in tribute to Dr. Patrick Gorman’s 15 years as its director.
Catarina in San Marcos, Guatemala, has been a sister parish to Holy Mother of Consolation Parish (HMC) in Oregon for the past 25 years. Recently, St. Ann Parish in Stoughton has been clustered with HMC and has become another sister parish.
Esta columna es adaptada de la homilía del obispo Roberto C. Morlino de la Iglesia de San Patrick, del domingo 14 de diciembre.
El segundo domingo de Adviento, oímos hablar a Juan el Bautista como “una voz que exclamaba en el desierto” y nosotros lo oímos otra vez en las lecturas de este último domingo. Y oímos, durante esa segunda semana de Adviento, sobre nuestra Madre Santa. Oímos cómo enviaron esta mujer vestida de sol, el modelo de la Iglesia, enviada al desierto, en donde un lugar había sido preparado para ella; el significado del desierto, transitoriamente, épocas difíciles.
Este domingo pasado por la mañana una encuesta de americanos salió diciendo que el 2008, en gran parte por razones económicas, ha sido el peor año que recuerdan. La encuesta, en nuestros términos, dice que, en gran parte debido a la economía, el 2008 ha sido, para la mayoría de los americanos, un desierto. Esos resultados de la encuesta no sorprenden a nadie.
Edgewood Campus School, located on the shared campus with Edgewood High School and Edgewood College, has announced plans to enhance the four-year-old kindergarten program.
JOB (Justice Overcoming Borders), an affiliate of WISDOM, has invited Rev. Joseph Ellwanger to speak to religious leaders of all faith traditions Thursday, Dec. 18, for a 12 noon luncheon meeting at Wesley Christian Methodist Episcopal Church at 1760 Shore Dr. in Beloit.