After fire destroyed St. Anthony Church in Highland on April 17, 2002, the parish put a sign out front that said, “Church is people, not a building.”
Year: 2008
Diocesan Hispanic Choir welcomes singers, instrumentalists
The Diocesan Hispanic Choir is beginning its eighth year with rehearsals held Monday evenings at the Bishop O’Connor Center in Madison.
Helping pregnant women choose life
Jamie (not her real name) was young and smart. She had aspirations of being a veterinarian. But she found out she was pregnant. She thought that having a baby would destroy her dreams. To make matters worse, she believed that if her parents found out she was pregnant, they would kick her out of their home.
Jesuit Father Jim Egan dies
OMAHA, Neb. — Jesuit Father Jim Egan, who formerly served in Madison, died October 2 in Omaha, Neb.
Candidates must recognize personhood of unborn child
To the editor:
Who was the first person in the New Testament outside of the Holy Family to recognize Jesus as Lord? “And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy” (Luke 1, 43-44).
Try a different strategy to make abortion rare
To the editor:
Douglas Kmiec, former constitutional legal counsel to Presidents Reagan and Bush, architect of Reagan’s pro-life policies, and arguably the nation’s brightest conservative Catholic legal mind, recently argued that Catholics concerned about the sanctity of life and social justice are best served by an Obama presidency.
Liked story on Michael Clancy, notes mistake
To the editor:
Kat Wagner did a great job on the “It’s God’s picture” article in the Catholic Herald (issue of September 25, 2008). …
Planning process seeks to strengthen Catholic Schools
On Wednesday, Sept. 17, the Comprehensive Schools Study formally got underway as 26 people from around the diocese met to convene the first meeting of the steering committee. Pastors, principals, and parishioners from all corners of the diocese met to learn more about the planning process.
As the meeting began, I explained the history and background and goals of the planning process. The project stems from the directive that “All parishes, those with and without schools, will actively participate in a diocesan wide comprehensive schools study to promote and increase our diocesan commitment to Catholic education as outlined in the USCCB publication Renewing our Commitment to Elementary and Secondary Schools in the Third Millennium.”
New name for Janesville hospital
SSM Health Care of Wisconsin announces that the new Janesville hospital to open in 2010 will be named St. Mary’s Janesville Hospital.
We must insist on ethical stem cell research
As the 2008 World Stem Cell Summit was scheduled to meet in Madison this week, new questions were raised about whether consent to use embryos left over from fertility clinics in stem-cell research was ever properly obtained.
The Wisconsin State Journal reported September 22 that Robert Streiffer, a professor of bioethics and philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, authored a study published in the May-June issue of the Hastings Center Report, a bioethics journal. Through a Freedom of Information request to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Streiffer made a request for the consent forms for the 21 stem-cell lines approved by President George W. Bush.