To the editor:
Can we expect a good outcome from a culture that enables any sexual behavior at any time and then tries to “bail out” the “victim” using abortion, Gardasil, HIV drugs, psychotherapy, etc?
As Catholics, especially at this time of year, I suggest we take time to contemplate the greatest “bail out” of all, when the Virgin Mary “bailed out” Eve and her children, when Mary said “Yes” to becoming the Blessed Mother of Our Savior, and hers.
As a convert to Roman Catholicism, I can bear witness to the constant conversion process that Our Lady’s assistance provides, especially through the Holy Rosary. I encourage all Christians to learn to pray the Rosary and intercede for our failing culture with Our Blessed Mother, so that the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ may once again be shed on this great land of liberty.
Mark Kimble (recovering anti-Catholic), Madison