To the editor:
I first want to thank you for doing such a good job of publishing articles and letters which were aimed at helping Catholics make an informed choice in the past election.
My comment however, is to show my family’s dismay with the decision you made to put President-elect Barack Obama’s photo on the top of the front page of the November 13th edition. The added caption that Catholics congratulate him was also disturbing.
If Catholics are the friends of the unborn, then we should not be so enthusiastically congratulating a man who is, by virtue of his vote in the Senate and statements regarding the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), a great opponent to the rights of the unborn. In addition he has voted several times to not even help save the lives of the newly born who survived an attempt to abort them.
Please, in the future, be sensitive to those who hold dearly to their faith and turn to your publication as a source of support and education relating to that faith.
Sheila Manghera, Sun Prairie