The Catholic Herald Mission Statement:
The Catholic Herald is the official newspaper of the Diocese of Madison. Its purpose is to inform and educate people of the Diocese through communications that proclaim Gospel values, report the news, and comment on issues as they pertain to the mission of the Catholic Church, which is to bring all in Jesus Christ to the Father. |
World Youth Day 2008 coverage
Check out the Catholic Herald's coverage of World Youth Day 2008, held July 15 - 20 in Sydney, Australia, at our WYD page and our blog.
"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses." -- the World Youth Day 2008 theme, Acts 1:8 |
Cause for sainthood moves forward Miracle attributed to Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli goes to Rome
 Venerable Fr. Samuel Mazzuchelli

Prayer for the Beatification of Father Samuel Mazzuchelli, O.P.
LORD JESUS, you called your servant, Samuel, even in early youth, to leave home and all for a Dominican life of charity in preaching your holy gospel. You gave him abundant graces of Eucharistic love, devotion to your holy Mother of Sorrows, and a consuming zeal for souls. Grant, we beseech you, that his fervent love and labors for you may become more widely known, to a fruitful increase of your Mystical Body, to his exaltation and to our own constant growth in devoted love of you Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit live and reign one God, world without end. Amen. |
By Mary C. Uhler
Catholic Herald Staff
SINSINAWA -- Will we eventually have a saint who lived and worked in the Diocese of Madison?
That possibility seems more likely now that a diocesan Tribunal has concluded an official inquiry into a "presumed miraculous cure" attributed to Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli, O.P.
Bishop Robert C. Morlino issued a decree constituting a diocesan Board of Inquiry on February 20, 2007. He named now Msgr. Kevin D. Holmes to be judge delegate in charge of the proceedings. He also appointed five other people to serve on the Tribunal: Msgr. Michael E.
Hippee, promoter of justice; Dr. Richard M. Carr, a medical doctor for the inquiry; Grant R. Emmel, notary; Carolyn J. Fangmeier, first vice-notary; and David R. J. Stiennon, second vice-notary.
Closing session of inquiry
Over 400 people gathered in Queen of the Rosary Chapel at the Dominican Motherhouse in Sinsinawa on August 21 for the closing session of the inquiry. They were to discover whether testimony would be sent to Rome in support of the cure. Full story ...
Our Lady of Hope Clinic Pro-life clinic to open in Madison
By David Stiennon
For the Catholic Herald
MADISON -- A natural family planning (NFP)-only family practice clinic is scheduled to begin operation in Madison in 2009.
Staffing Our Lady of Hope Clinic will be Dr. Michael Kloess and Dr. Anne Johnson, board-certified physicians and members of the Academy of Family Physicians.
All the clinic's doctors affirm the positive pro-life message of the Catholic Church: caring for the needy, supporting marital chastity, encouraging the use of natural family planning, and providing compassionate hospice care at the end of natural life. The doctors will not provide or refer for contraception, abortion, sterilization, or euthanasia.

Full story ...
Looking beyond the wedding date
By Andy Galvin
For the Catholic Herald
For most newly engaged couples, the most exciting thing to look forward to is their wedding day. So many things to plan and do. The day is made special by a beautiful church and liturgy, the presence of family and friends, perhaps young flower girls or a ring bearer. After the wedding ceremony, the party is just beginning! The celebration, music, and food. All of these things converge to create a day of very special memories that will last for a lifetime.
And it should. The wedding day is a very special moment in the life of a marrying couple. I was reminded of this fact as I talked to couples celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary with Bishop Robert C. Morlino on August 7. After 50 years, many could take you right back to their wedding day and the friends, family, and special times they experienced.
But all of them would then immediately turn to the stories that made up the rest of their lives. The families they created, the struggles they experienced, and the wonderful lives that God had blessed them with. No matter how big or small a couple's wedding plans, the day after their wedding starts the rest of their life together.
The Diocese of Madison desires to assist all couples marrying in the Catholic Church to be fully prepared for a lifetime of joy. Yet, one only has to look at the state of marriage today to reveal the immense challenges successful marriages face. The lifetime of love and joy sought after by each and every engaged couple must be worked for, and that starts well before the wedding day through marriage preparation. Full story ...