Dear Friends: As we enter into the great mysteries of the suffering, death, and resurrection this Easter, we certainly are participating in the mystery of Christ's suffering, both as Catholic Christians and as brothers and sisters who are citizens of these United States. Within the Church we are suffering because of our own weakness and sins and I hope that Lent has been a time of repentance and conversion for all of us, especially through worthy reception of the Sacrament of Penance.
As a people in the United States we are suffering because the three central tenets of the natural law, our vocation to live in accord with human reason, are under assault: efforts, primarily in the courts, to remove God from the public arena, continued disrespect for the dignity of every human person from conception until natural death, attempts to redefine marriage. As a nation, we suffer because of the renewed expression of hostility toward brothers and sisters who are immigrants, not to mention that the violence of war continues as does the terrorist threat. The mystery of suffering is never very far from any of us, but to enter into this mystery is, for us, never a cause of fear or discouragement. We saw how gruesome and horrendous were the sufferings of Christ on the Cross but we know as well that the suffering of Christ is the veil through which we enter the glory of the resurrection and the heavenly kingdom. When you and I were first created, that is, when the Lord created your soul and mine, we glimpsed, just for a moment, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And as soon as our souls took flesh, when we were conceived in our mother's womb, because we were not immaculately conceived like our Blessed Mother but conceived as heirs of the sin of Adam and Eve, we experienced a kind of amnesia and forgetfulness of that glimpse which we have had of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. When we listen to the voice of reason within us, that word, that meaning, is an echo of the Eternal Word Whom we saw and heard at the moment of the creation of our soul. The law of reason within us when given unrestricted range cannot arrive at any other truth in the end than the truth of Jesus Christ. He is Risen, His victory is ours. The challenges are difficult but we have every reason, the reason who is Christ Himself, never to give in to discouragement. Our faith in which alone our reason finds total fulfillment, that faith is our sure victory. Happy Easter! God bless you all! Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
Bishop's LetterGood Friday Collection --
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