Helping others: Not just a nice thing to do
We read in St. Luke's Gospel: "He who has two coats, let him share with him who has none; and he who has food must do likewise" (Lk 3: 11).
Notice the words I put in bold face. These are not mere suggestions but commands. Jesus has told us that we must help our brothers and sisters in need. For Christians, coming to the aid of our neighbors is not just a nice thing to do. We must do it if we are truly Christ's disciples.
Corporal works of mercy. The corporal works of mercy include feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and burying the dead. These actions should be motivated by both justice and charity, the church tells us.
People in the Diocese of Madison have special opportunities to put the corporal works of mercy into practice - both locally and internationally.
Helping tornado victims. Closer to home, a tornado struck Dane County on the evening of August 18. Although only one person died as a result of the twister, many homes in this area were destroyed. People in the City of Stoughton were hit hardest by the tornado, including many members of St. Ann Catholic Parish. It was an even worse disaster, noted Pastor Msgr. Gerard Healy, because the community was still dealing with the aftermath of a fire that destroyed Christ Lutheran Church.
More than 1,700 people pitched in to help with weekend clean-up efforts (see story on Page 3 of this week's Catholic Herald [print edition only]). The St. Vincent de Paul Society is among those helping the victims. People can still help. Send financial contributions made payable to "Society of St. Vincent de Paul" to 1109 Jonathon Dr., Madison, WI 53713-3230. "Disaster Relief" should be written on a donation check's subject line.
Support for people in Africa. On the international level, Bishop Robert C. Morlino asked all parishes in the Diocese of Madison to take a special collection to support the outreach of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in Africa's Sahel Region. CRS is confirming United Nations warnings that millions of people in the Sahel are facing food shortages and starvation.
CRS is providing emergency supplies of food to those most in need of help. It is also focusing on agricultural rehabilitation, teaching irrigation and farming techniques and helping replenish livestock lost in the drought.
Catholics know that CRS makes sure most of the funds it collects truly help those in need. Please make a contribution at your parish - if you haven't already - to help CRS in its programs in Africa.
Not an extra. Helping those in need is not just an "extra" thing to do. It is a "must" for followers of Christ. As He told us, "Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me."
St. John Chrysostom was even stronger in his exhortation: "Not to enable the poor to share in our goods is to steal from them and deprive them of life. The goods we possess are not ours, but theirs."
Please be generous to the St. Vincent de Paul Society and Catholic Relief Services as they put the corporal works of mercy into action in our community and our world.
Mary C. Uhler, editor
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Appreciates column by priest
To the editor:
The insertion into the Catholic Herald of the column by Fr. Tad Pacholczk fosters true patriotism in the life of the church as witness to our world.
Fr. Robert Buholzer, Stoughton