
News Briefs:
Adult club features fellowship, fun, and learning for all ages
JANESVILLE -- The Adult Catholic Spirit Club announces its programs for the September 2006 to May 2007 season.
Each local meeting includes a potluck luncheon at 12 noon, followed by the program at 1 p.m. in Marian Hall at St. John Vianney Parish, Janesville.
• September 13 - Nancy Rae Reisdorf, "Treasures of Wisconsin"
• October 5 - Trip to St. Stanislaus Kosta Church and the "Guiding Light," St. Mary of the Angels Church, both Polish parishes in Chicago. Tour also includes a step-on guide, a Polish Café lunch, and time for shopping
• October 11 - Santo Carfora, "Walking in Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Footsteps"
• November 8 - Pam Bidne, administrator, Huntington Place, "Residential Options for Seniors; Knowledge is Power"
• December 13 - Lauri Knapton, Knapton Musik Knotes, Inc, "Recreational Music"
• January 10 - Blase Strobl, physical therapist, "Good Walking, Balance, and Prevention of Falls"
• February 14 - Christine Rebout, "From Ukraine to Janesville"
• March 14 - Sr. Jean Ackerman, "Pursuing Truth and Justice
• April 11 - Jerry Wolf, apiarist, "From the Flower to You"
• May 9 - Val and Dick Dungan, Beckman Mill, "Introduction to Beckman Mill Country Park"
Golf outing to raise funds for Seminarian Education Grant Fund
COTTAGE GROVE -- The Catholic Order of Foresters will be hosting a golf outing on Saturday, Sept. 23, at The Oaks Golf Course in Cottage Grove.
Those participating will play 18 holes of golf while raising funds to support the Seminarian Education Grant (SEG) Fund, a scholarship fund for seminarians. This event is also in memory of Greg Blaska, a long time member of the Foresters and supporter of the Seminarian Fund.
Individuals may sign up for golf, golf and dinner, or dinner only. Non-members are welcome. Participants may also join in the golf ball throw after dinner. This year prizes include a trip to the Bahamas, Super Bowl tickets, a plasma TV, or $5,000 cash.
All funds raised will be matched by the Catholic Order of Foresters. Sponsorships to support the seminarians are available.
Contact Greg Cass, COF tournament director, at 608-846-7119 or at cofwis@yahoo.com by September 1.
Sinsinawa Children's Choir begins season
SINSINAWA -- The Sinsinawa Mound Children's Choir is preparing to begin its fall semester Monday, Sept. 11.
The choir, under the direction of Sr. Marie Juan Maney, invites area boys and girls grades three and up to join in singing, music study, and performances for the upcoming year. The choir meets every Monday evening from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Choir enrollment is open to youth of all faiths. Scholarship funds, based on financial need, are available. For further information, call Sr. Marie Juan Maney at 608-748-4411, ext. 807.
Visit www.sinsinawa.org for more information about the Sinsinawa Dominicans.
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Pope Benedict XVI Names Msgr. Paul J. Swain Eighth Bishop of Diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota
-- Posted: 8/31/2006, 11:59 a.m. Central Time
-- Updated: 8/31/2006, 2:16 p.m. Central Time
MADISON -- Today at noon in Rome (5 a.m. Central Time), the Holy See announced that Pope Benedict XVI has named Madison priest Reverend Monsignor Paul J. Swain as the Eighth Bishop of the Diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
"I am honored and humbled to be named by Pope Benedict who has set forth such an uplifting yet challenging call in his first encyclical, homilies, and meditations to live the vocation of love in its deepest sense," said Bishop Swain (age 62). He will be introduced to the people of Sioux Falls at a press conference today at 10 a.m. The Diocese of Sioux Falls has been vacant for twenty months, since Bishop Robert Carlson was transferred to the Diocese of Saginaw, Michigan. Bishop Swain will be consecrated and installed as Bishop of Sioux Falls within the next several months.
"This is a tremendous honor for our Diocese," said Bishop Robert C. Morlino. "The Holy Father has personally chosen Bishop Swain and I couldn't be happier for him and for the whole church. His appointment brings great honor upon our fine priests and our wonderful, faithful people in the Diocese of Madison. His departure will leave a great void here, both in the chancery and in the downtown parishes, but I am confident that the Holy Spirit will provide for us. I will, in a deeply personal way, miss his close and faithful collaboration as my Vicar General."
Bishop Swain has served numerous pastoral and administrative positions in the Diocese of Madison. At the time of his appointment, he was serving as pastor of the downtown Madison parishes (Saint Raphael Cathedral, Saint Patrick Parish, and Holy Redeemer Parish) and as Vicar General for the Diocese. He is known and loved by parishioners, fellow-priests, and co-workers for his prayerfulness, humility, even temper, and quiet humor.
The Diocese of Madison will host a press conference on Friday, September 1, 2006 at 10 a.m. at the Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center. Bishop Paul J. Swain and Bishop Robert C. Morlino will be present. In addition, Bishop Morlino will be available for comment after 10:45 a.m. on Thursday Aug. 31, 2006.
Other events include:
• Bishop Robert C. Morlino will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at Saint Patrick Parish (404 E. Main Street, Madison) at 12:10 p.m. on Thursday, August 31, 2006.
• Bishop Paul J. Swain will celebrate Mass at Saint Patrick Church at 12:10 p.m. on Friday, September 1, 2006.
• Bishop Robert C. Morlino and Bishop Paul J. Swain will concelebrate Sunday Mass at St. Patrick Church at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 3, 2006. Bishop Swain will preach the homily at this Mass.
Background Information:
Bishop Swain is considered a 'non-traditional' choice as a bishop since he became a priest later in life only a few years after becoming Catholic. After performing military service as an Air Force Intelligence Officer in Vietnam (1967-72), he received a law degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and practiced law in Madison. He was Legal Counsel and Director of Policy for Governor Lee Dreyfus from 1979-83. Towards the end of his time in government, he began to feel spiritual awakenings which led to a deep and life-change conversion.
He was received into the Catholic Church at Holy Redeemer Parish (Madison) on Holy Thursday, 1983 and was ordained five years later by Bishop Cletus O'Donnell at Saint Raphael Cathedral. Bishop Swain credits Bishop O'Donnell with 'taking a chance' on him and notes that the date of his announcement as bishop falls on the fourteenth anniversary of O'Donnell's death.
The process of choosing a Bishop is not public and is reserved to the Pope himself, in consultation with the Congregation for Bishops in Rome and others whom he deems appropriate. The prospective candidate rarely, if ever, knows he is under consideration, and in the case of Bishop Swain, he received a phone call two days into a rare vacation, telling him the unexpected news. The details are coordinated through the office of the Apostolic Nuncio, the Pope's personal representative to the United States (Archbishop Pietro Sambi).
The Catholic Faith teaches that bishops serve as successors to the Twelve Apostles who were called and ordained to this ministry by Jesus Christ himself at the Last Supper. They serve as shepherds of the flock, and - like the Apostles - they have a special call to teach, govern, and sanctify (make holy through prayer and sacrifice). The Bishop is the pastor of his diocese and maintains unity with the Holy Father, thus playing the indispensable role of unifying the various churches in the one Universal Church.
Bishop Paul Swain statement
-- Posted: 8/31/2006, 2:16 p.m. Central Time
(See also main news article on appointment.)
Statement of Bishop Paul J. Swain, on the announcement of his appointment by his Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, as Bishop of Sioux Falls, August 31, 2006:
It is with awe and recognition of unworthiness that I gratefully acknowledge that His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, has appointed me to be the next Bishop of Sioux Falls. I am honored and humbled to be named by Pope Benedict who has set forth such an uplifting yet challenging call, in encyclical, homilies and meditations, to live the vocation of love in its deepest sense. The task for us all is to allow his wise words to resonate in our souls and guide how we live our lives in a world too full violence, insensitivity and loneliness.
As I learn more about the Diocese of Sioux Falls, I am especially grateful to Bishop Robert Carlson, his predecessors, the priests and lay faithful who have left such an impressive legacy. I will try to honor them by preserving it and building on it as best I can in collaboration with so many others. I am also grateful to Bishop Samuel Aquila, who accepted double duty as Bishop of Fargo and Apostolic Administrator of Sioux Falls, for his caring service and for his hospitality to me. Because of his sacrificial leadership this transition will be an easier one.
I am also grateful to Bishop Robert Morlino, Bishop of Madison, whom I have been privileged to serve as Vicar General these last three years. His support, encouragement and teacher's touch have moved me deeply. I am also grateful to Bishop William Bullock, Bishop Emeritus of Madison, who I was privileged to serve for ten years in a variety of roles, including seven as Vicar General. His dedication, courage and self-sacrifice are an inspiration to me. May I also acknowledge Bishop George Wirz, retired Auxiliary Bishop of Madison, whose friendship, sage advice and sense of history have been priceless.
Finally, I gratefully acknowledge the willingness of the late and beloved Bishop Cletus F. O'Donnell, Second Bishop of Madison, to accept for seminary studies a recent adult convert of
more mature age at a time when accepting older vocations was not common. It is a blessing for me that this appointment as Bishop of Sioux Falls occurs on the anniversary of his death. May he rest in peace. The love of each of these bishops for and their dedication to the Church, and their kindnesses to me, have made me a better priest and more fully prepared me for this new chapter in my life.
My adult life has had two distinctive phases. One was in the secular sphere that included military service, civil law practice, and government office. The second came after undergoing a spiritual conversion that changed and refocused my life.
My years in the secular life were exciting and interesting, yet filled with the lures that can result in excessive focus on the things of the world and an individualism that can warp
priorities and moral values. They also revealed a yearning for something more than professional success offered. My search led me to profess faith in Christ and His Church at the age of 39. It is in the Church that I found the forgiveness and mercy I needed and still need. It is in the Church that I discovered the vocation to which God was calling me. It has now been my privilege to serve as a priest for over 18 years, thirteen of them in full or part-time service in Chancery office and as pastor of five parishes in the Diocese of Madison. It now brings me to the Diocese of Sioux Falls.
I arrived in Madison, Wisconsin in 1965 to attend the University of Wisconsin. Except for over four years in the military, it has been my home for over 40 years. I love Madison. I was received into the Church there, was ordained there, and am grateful to all those who have mentored, supported and helped form me there in all aspects of my life. There is sadness in leaving. Yet, I can honestly say that I am looking forward to making my home in Sioux Falls. Its agricultural roots and optimistic spirit reflects faith well lived. I look forward to visiting the parishes, schools, and institutions and getting to know the priests, deacons, consecrated, chancery and parish staff and lay faithful.
I ask for your patience and understanding these next months as we transition together. I never expected to be a priest, certainly not a bishop. God's ways, I have found, are always more interesting and more productive than what my weak mind might conjure up. And so I look forward to wherever He leads me as I seek to serve the universal Church through the local church of Sioux Falls.
Some have already asked me what I hope to do as Bishop. I have a lot to learn and I have a lot of listening to do. I do however hope to be worthy of the confidence the Holy Father has placed in me. I hope to be a good collaborator with the priests of the diocese, and to do what I can to encourage that the charisms of all believers may be realized. I hope to help assure that the fullness of the teachings of Christ and his Church are made known to all, especially young people. I hope also to invite others to discover the joy I have experienced in my faith journey. Most of all I will try to be a good and holy priest open to whatever God wills, and always to give Him the praise.
Please pray for the priests, religious and laity of the Diocese of Sioux Falls and for me as we begin this journey of faith together. In addition, knowing my human frailties, I ask in advance for your mercy.
May Mary, the Mother of the Americas and our Mother, intercede for the people of the Diocese of Sioux Falls, for me and for our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.
May God bless the Diocese of Sioux Falls and each of you. |
Bishop Paul Swain background
-- Posted: 8/31/2006, 2:16 p.m. Central Time
(See also main news article on appointment.)
Bishop Paul J. Swain
Vicar General, Diocese of Madison Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center
P.O. Box 44983
Madison, WI 53744-4983
Age: 62
Date of birth: September 12, 1943
Place of birth: Newark, New York
Father: William Swain (deceased)
Mother: Gertrude Mohr
Siblings: two brothers, three sisters, one sister deceased
Military: United States Air Force Intelligence Officer, 1967-72, Vietnam Veteran
Practicing Attorney, Madison, Wisconsin, 1974 - 78, 1983-84
Legal Counsel and Director of Policy, Governor Lee Sherman Dreyfus, Governor of Wisconsin, 1979-83
Elementary and High School: Newark, New York Public Schools
Bachelor of Arts in History, Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio, 1965
Master of Arts in Political Science, University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1967
Juris Doctor, University of Wisconsin Law School, 1974
Master of Divinity, Blessed John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts, 1988
Received into the Roman Catholic Church by Profession of Faith, March 1983
Ordained May 27, 1988, St. Raphael Cathedral, Madison, Wisconsin, by Most Reverend Cletus F. O'Donnell, Bishop of Madison
Parish Assignments
Associate Pastor, Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Sun Prairie
Pastor, St. Mary of Pine Bluff, Cross Plains
Pastor, St. Bernard Parish, Middleton
Currently Rector/Pastor, St. Raphael Cathedral, St. Patrick Parish, Holy Redeemer Parish, Madison
Diocesan Appointments
Assistant to the Bishop, Vice Chancellor, Moderator of the Curia, Vocations Director
Appointed Vicar General by Most Reverend William H. Bullock, October 1996
Appointed Vicar General by Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino, August 2003
Prelate of Honor
Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
Knights of Columbus (Chaplain, University of Wisconsin Council)
Diocesan Consultors
Diocesan Finance Council
Diocesan Presbyteral Council
St. Raphael Priest Retirement Fund Board
Priest Personnel Board
Diocesan Cemetery Board
Past Member, Blessed John XXIII National Seminary Board of Directors
Strategic planning: 'Guided by the Spirit' project begins
By Mary C. Uhler
Next steps in planning process
• Pastors meetings: September 6 at 12 noon beginning with lunch or September 7 at 10:30 a.m. followed by lunch (priests choose one), Bishop O'Connor Center, Madison
• Core committees: Pastors choose core committees in each parish, usually including four parish leaders and pastor
• Pastors and core committee trainings: October 9 and 10, 7:30 to 10 p.m., places to be announced |
MADISON -- The Diocese of Madison is embarking on a new phase of parish and school planning being called "Guided by the Spirit."
In a letter to parish priests in August, Bishop Robert C. Morlino discussed the process. "It is a process which will engage you and your parish leaders in conversations, suggestions, and responses," said the bishop.
"Ultimately I will receive recommendations, make decisions, and call for implementation of viable parish and school structures for the future."
Hired the Reid Group
As part of this process, Bishop Morlino has hired the Reid Group, a nationally recognized consulting firm, to help the diocese plan for the future. "Their mission is to help leaders and organizations transform challenges into opportunities," said Bishop Morlino.
The Reid Group is currently assisting parish planning in the Archdiocese of Newark, N.J., and the Diocese of Green Bay, Wis. They have worked in other dioceses around the country.
Planning Commission
Bishop Morlino also appointed a Diocesan Planning Commission to work with the Reid Group. The commission includes eight priests and eight lay people from throughout the Diocese of Madison. Fr. Jay Poster, parochial vicar at St. Maria Goretti Parish in Madison, serves as chairman. Various members of the diocesan staff will support the work of the commission.
The newly formed Diocesan Planning Commission met for the first time on August 22 at the Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center in Madison. John Reid and Maureen Gallagher of the Reid Group attended the meeting. Diocesan staff present included Kevin Phelan, chancellor; Grant Emmel, vice chancellor; and Michael Lancaster, superintendent of Catholic schools.
Bishop Morlino had asked the Planning Commission to give him general advice on the planning process and to make recommendations about:
1. Models for staffing parishes given the diminishing number of priests.
2. Criteria for applying the models.
3. Specific recommendations based on the criteria and the suggestions coming from parish clusters as part of the process.
4. Recommendations for an implementation process.
Listening to people
At the meeting on August 22, Father Poster welcomed the commission members, who introduced themselves. Then the Reid Group consultants discussed their role in the planning process.
"We don't believe in one size fits all," said John Reid. "What's relevant is what makes sense in the Diocese of Madison."
Maureen Gallagher, who lives in Waukesha and has worked in the Diocese of Madison and Archdiocese of Milwaukee, added, "We touch the pulse of the people in the diocese. We develop processes to involve as many people as possible. Listening to the people is one thing we do well."
"Bishop Morlino wants to be sensitive to local realities," said Reid. "While planning is important, the most important part is the call to faith, conversion, and healing. How is God calling this local church to grow and change?
"We are confident you can make a major contribution to the future of the diocese," he told the Planning Commission.
Using previous work
Phelan gave a presentation on the work that has been done up to this time in the Diocese of Madison, including the results of the CARA demographic study and in-pew survey. Much of this work will be used in the "Guided by the Spirit" planning process.
Phelan admitted that "people will be emotional" in the planning process, but "it is bigger than a building. The issue is the continued mission of Christ and his church - the salvation of souls. That's what we need to be focused on," he said.
The Planning Commission reviewed the project goals and process as well as models and proposed assumptions and criteria. These will be put into final form in preparation for meetings with pastors in September and training sessions for pastors and parish core committees in October.
Diocesan Hispanic Choir: Begins sixth year, welcomes new singers, instrumentalists
By Mary C. Uhler
MADISON -- The Diocesan Hispanic Choir directed by Toni Kellor (María Antonia Alaniz) is beginning its sixth year with its first rehearsal scheduled for Monday, Sept. 11, at the Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center. Rehearsals are held Mondays from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Center's choir room.
The main purpose of the choir is to offer Spanish speakers in the Diocese of Madison an opportunity to unite in praising the Lord in songs. Members also learn to read music, plan liturgies, obtain voice training, and gain experience in cantoring.
"We welcome new singers," said Kellor. "They don't have to know how to speak Spanish, just how to pronounce it. We have bi-lingual rehearsals."
Those who play instruments are also very welcome to join the choir. The choir presently has piano, guitars, mandolin, violin, bass guitar, and percussion instruments, but would gladly welcome other or more instruments.
Currently the choir consists of about 20 members from Colombia, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Ecuador, Honduras, and the United States. "Because of the diversity, our repertory consists of favorite hymns or liturgical music in Spanish from many Hispanic countries," said Kellor. "Mariachi" and other styles of accompaniment are used.
Begun in 2001, the choir has sung at about 15 parishes in the Diocese including the annual Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe; with the Madison Diocesan Choir; at Songfest in Watertown with 12 other groups; at First Communion for Centro Guadalupano; and at Fiesta Hispana. The choir also organized the first Hispanic Liturgical Workshop in 200l and presented two concerts with Lourdes Montgomery, a Puerto Rican composer.
Kellor said the Diocesan Hispanic Choir would welcome invitations to sing in more parishes throughout the Diocese of Madison. The choir can sing some or all of the music for Mass in Spanish. "Some people don't realize that most hymnals include hymns in Spanish," noted Kellor. She encourages parishes to call now to book the choir. It would be nice to have parish visits scheduled early in the year. Summer visit requests will also be considered.
Plans for the Diocesan Hispanic Choir this year include:
• Recording a professional CD with their most popular hymns and songs.
• Singing in Madison for Our Lady of Guadalupe Diocesan Mass; Christmas Concert and Posadas; First Communion; Easter Vigil Mass at Holy Redeemer; singing in Milwaukee, and singing in parishes including Monroe and Sauk City.
• Starting a group to perform popular music, such as an Estudiantina or a Mariachi.
Kellor said members must be punctual and attend all rehearsals. Those interested in joining or parishes wishing to book the choir are asked to phone Toni Kellor at 608-203-5529 or e-mail her at: alakel@charter.net
Immaculate Conception: Celebrates gift of 150 years in Truman community
By Kathleen Bushman
(See also front-page photo.)
TRUMAN -- Immaculate Conception Parish isn't just a church: it's home.
More than 200 people, parishioners and visitors alike, came to the church for a Mass and dinner August 13. They were celebrating what pastor Fr. Monte Robinson calls a "gift": 150 years of faith in which the parish has been the home and center of the rural community.
Greeters, in lei-like welcome, placed miraculous medals of St. Catherine Labouré around the necks of attendees as they entered the church. The medals symbolized a connection with the parish and with the Blessed Virgin Mary and an invitation to be closer to God.
Bishop Robert C. Morlino attended the event and celebrated Mass, being driven with Father Robinson in a horse and buggy to the door before Mass as a reminder of how parishioners had arrived at the church when the parish was founded.
Father Robinson, as well as former pastors Msgr. William E. Stack and Fr. Thomas E. Gillespie, concelebrated the Mass, along with Msgr. Duane R. Moellenberdt, pastor at Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in Sun Prairie; Frs. Juan Ontonio Albaladejo and Miguel Galvez, visiting from Spain; and Fr. James R. Bartylla, director of vocations. Seminarian Patrick Wendler assisted Father Bartylla as Master of Ceremonies.
After the Mass, many attended the dinner, standing and chatting or sitting under the yellow-and-white tent on the lawn. Several priests from the area, including Msgr. O. Charles Schluter, Fr. Randy Budnar, Fr. Tait Schroeder, and Fr. David Wanish, joined the attendees to celebrate the anniversary.
Miracle of love
Bishop Morlino spoke during his homily about the three directions that the Scripture readings that Sunday take us: that free will is not enough to choose Jesus unless God draws us to him; that the God who reaches out to us in the Liturgy of the Word draws us in through the Eucharist; and that we experience Jesus' presence in the signs of bread and wine.
"Suppose I was able to fly up and walk upside-down on the ceiling," he said. "You can bet the newspapers would want to be here to catch that."
But the miracle that takes place on the altar would make that look like silliness, the bishop said. "So we can't let ourselves get used to the greatest thing that could ever happen in the world - that Jesus Christ, true God and true man, is present in the signs of bread and wine."
There is so much violence and hatred in the world, he said. It is 150 years after the Civil War, when Immaculate Conception was founded, and there's worse hatred and violence, but every day there's a "miracle of love" at Mass.
Legacy of faith
"Just imagine how far our forefathers and foremothers went in the winter to get to church," the bishop said. "They never tried to squeeze in Sunday Mass, because you couldn't squeeze it in . . . if you were going by horse and buggy."
Our ancestors lived the sacrifice of the Mass, he said. "And that's why the faith down here is strong and beautiful the way it is.
"But our forefathers and foremothers challenge us from heaven to make the miracle of the altar the center of our lives, the center of our Sunday," Bishop Morlino said.
"On this beautiful 150th anniversary let's live up the magnificent legacy of faith, hope, and love that Christ gives us through this parish family over 150 years."
Center of community
"This has just been the center of the community for 150 years," said Pat McDonald, a lifelong member of Immaculate Conception Parish and one of the most senior members. He and his wife, Lorna Mae, drove the bishop and Father Robinson in the buggy to church.
"I was baptized, had First Communion, confirmed here, married here. I hope the church is still running to be buried here."
The McDonalds and several of the other senior parishioners honored at the event talked about the parish and how it had changed - such as how it has grown smaller, and that young people don't dress modestly going to church.
But, said Marie Kliebenstein, who has been a lifelong member of the parish, "I'd say the faith hasn't changed any."
"The faith is just as strong as I think they were years back," when the church was built, agreed Lorna Mae McDonald.
They mentioned events, such as the church picnic in October, that draw a "tremendous crowd."
But the most important aspect of the parish for these parishioners is that it is home. Judy Byrnes, who has been a member of the parish all her life, said that the church and its steeple can be seen from nearly all the farms around.
"It's the community," she said. "I'm afraid, if it closes, we would never see our neighbors."
Kliebenstein said that she has always lived close to the church. "I just love these hills," she said. "It's home. . . . You can tell we have roots here."
"It's a gift we've been blessed with," said pastor Fr. Monte Robinson of the parish and its history. "People are deeply touched by what it means to be the heirs of this glorious faith."
The challenge now, he said, "is to carry it on, to pass on the inherited gift. That it goes on to our grandchildren and families."