
News Briefs:
Priest placed on leave
MADISON -- Rev. Peter Claver Anorue, a priest of the Archdiocese of Owerri, Nigeria, on sabbatical in the Diocese of Madison, has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation by church and civil authorities against him.
Anorue was the parochial vicar at St. Patrick Parish in Hollandale and Immaculate Conception Parish in Blanchardville. An announcement was read at weekend Masses at both parishes that Anorue was placed on leave. The allegation was received by diocesan officials late last week and information was turned over to the Iowa County District Attorney's office.
The Diocese of Madison plans no further comment until civil officials have completed their investigation. Bishop William H. Bullock has appointed Rev. Randy Budnar as temporary administrator of St. Patrick and Immaculate Conception Parishes.
Christmas open house
PRINCETON -- A tradition since 1983, Sharon and Bob Brenner's Christmas open house once again is taking place Friday, Dec. 27, and Saturday, Dec. 28, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. here.
Over these past 19 years, thousands of people have walked through what newspaper reporters and TV commentators have said is "one of most elaborate holiday homes imaginable."
This year, the Brenners have kept some traditional displays and have added many more new items and lights to give a better flavor for what they wish to call "A Patriotic Christmas 2002 - Made in America" and "A Victorian Christmas."
The open house continues to be a benefit for St. John the Baptist Catholic School Trust Fund. The Brenners ask for a $5 donation to view the home with the entire proceeds collected turned over to the parish.
For more information, call the Brenners at 920-295-3009, fax them at 920-295-0269, or visit their Web site, www.christmasinprinceton.com.
Cholesterol assessments offered
PORTAGE -- Divine Savior Healthcare will conduct cholesterol assessments on Thursday, Jan. 9.
Participants receive complete blood lipid analysis including total cholesterol, high-density lipoproteins (HDL), low density lipoproteins (LDL), HDL/total cholesterol ratio, and triglyceride levels.
Appointments take 10 minutes and are scheduled between 6:30 and 8 a.m. A $15 fee is charged to partially offset costs of the program. A 12-hour fast is required and pre-registration is mandatory.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call Divine Savior Healthcare Community Health Education Department at 608-745-6405 or 800-272-9355.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends
CHERRY VALLEY, Ill. -- Worldwide Marriage Encounter has set dates for its marriage enrichment weekends during 2003.
Marriage Encounter is a weekend experience which strengthens marriages. It is for couples of all ages and faiths who would like to further enrich their relationship.
Dates for 2003 are: Feb. 14 to 16, March 21 to 23, April 25 to 27, May 16 to 18, June 20 to 22, Sept. 26 to 28, Oct. 17 to 19, and Nov. 14 to 16.
Most weekends will be held at Bishop Lane Retreat Center, southwest of Rockford, Ill. The May weekend will be held in Janesville, Wis.; the June weekend in Freeport, Ill.; and the October weekend in Madison, Wis.
To register or receive more information call 888-574-5653 or visit the Marriage Encounter Web site: www.wwme.org.
Holiday events in Diocese of Madison
By Julianne Nornberg
(See also front page photo.)
MADISON -- All people in the Diocese of Madison are invited to attend the Christmas Masses at St. Raphael Cathedral in Madison.
Msgr. Daniel Ganshert, rector of St. Raphael Cathedral, will preside at the Christmas Eve Mass that begins at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 24.
Bishop William H. Bullock will preside at the Christmas Mass that begins at 12 midnight on Tuesday, Dec. 24. Prelude music, which begins at 11:30 p.m., is provided by the St. Raphael Cathedral Choir with brass quintet and tympani. The choir is directed by Dr. Patrick Gorman. (The midnight Mass will be broadcast on WHFA, 1240 AM.)
Ganshert will preside at the Christmas Mass that begins at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 25, at the cathedral. The Cathedral Choir with brass will provide music.
St. Raphael Cathedral is located at 222 W. Main St. in downtown Madison. Parking is available in the ramp across from the cathedral; parking is free on holidays.
Television Mass
Bullock will preside and preach at a Christmas Mass to air at 7 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 22, and at 6 a.m. on Christmas Day, Dec. 25, on WISC-TV, Channel 3. Concelebrating will be Msgr. Paul J. Swain, vicar general of the diocese, and Fr. Nicholas Okere, master of ceremonies for the bishop. The Madison Diocesan Choir, directed by Gorman, will provide music.
The Christmas Mass was taped in the Bishop O'Donnell Holy Name Memorial Chapel at the Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center in Madison.
Choir concert
The Madison Diocesan Choir will perform a concert on "Live at Five" on WISC-TV, Channel 3, at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 25.
Radio message
Bullock will also air a Christmas radio message on WIBA Radio (1310 AM), WCJZ (96.3 FM), WOLX (94.1 FM), and The Buzz (105.1 FM) Dec. 23 to Dec. 25.
New Year's Masses
Bullock will preside at a 5 p.m. New Year's Eve Mass at the cathedral on Dec. 31. Fr. Todd Van Natta, parochial vicar, will preside at a 10 a.m. New Year's Day Mass.
Festival of Lessons and Carols
MADISON -- The Madison Diocesan Choir will present its annual Festival of Lessons and Carols twice for this Christmas.
The first will be on Sunday, Dec. 22, in the chapel of the Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center at 4 p.m. On Saturday, Jan. 4, the program will be repeated in Beloit at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, 2222 Shopiere Rd. at 7 p.m.
Director Patrick Gorman will lead the choir in music commemorating of Advent and Christmas. Carols will include Victoria's "O Magnum Mysterium," "Sussex Carol," "Joys Seven," "Once as I Remember," and "Go Tell It On the Mountain." All will join in singing familiar carols.
Everyone is invited. No tickets are needed. The choir asks each person to bring a gift of non-perishable food for St. Vincent de Paul Society pantry.
In Madison, the Diocesan Estudiantina will present a prelude of Christmas carols from Spanish-speaking countries. In Beloit, the choir of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish will join the Diocesan Choir.
Members of the Diocesan Choir extend a Christmas blessing to all.