
News Briefs:
Diocesan priests observe jubilees
WAUNAKEE/MONONA -- Two priests of the Diocese of Madison are celebrating their silver jubilees of ordination to the priesthood. They were both ordained June 3, 1977 at St. Raphael Cathedral, Madison, by the late Bishop Cletus F. O'Donnell.
Msgr. James L. Gunn will celebrate his jubilee with a Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, June 23, at 5 p.m. at St. John the Baptist Church, 209 S. South St., Waunakee, where he has been pastor since 1999. Concelebrants will be Bishop William H. Bullock, Auxiliary Bishop George O. Wirz, and priests of the diocese. Bullock will be the homilist. A buffet reception for invited guests will follow at 6 p.m. in the school gym, 114 E. Third St.
Fr. John M. Meinholz will celebrate his jubilee with a Mass at 3 p.m. on Sunday, June 30, at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Monona, where he has been pastor since 1993. Concelebrants will be Bishop William H. Bullock, Auxiliary Bishop George O. Wirz, and other priests. Wirz will be the homilist. After the Mass, there will be an open house on the church grounds followed by dinner in Marian Hall from 5 to 7 p.m. All are invited; no RSVP is necessary.
Parishes host health screenings
SPRING GREEN/REEDSBURG -- On June 27 St. John the Evangelist Church in Spring Green and on July 10 Sacred Heart Catholic School in Reedsburg will host a Life Line Screening Event.
Life Line Screening will offer three primary health screenings to detect the risk of stroke and vascular disease. These tests include a Carotid Artery Screening test, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) test, and an Ankle Brachial Index (ABI). Life Line Screening will also offer a bone density screening which tests for the early detection of osteoporosis.
Anyone interested in either the vascular or osteoporosis screenings must register in advance. Call 1-800-407-4557 to schedule an appointment.
Cancer support program offered
SUN PRAIRIE -- St. Marys Hospital Medical Center is offering the next eight-week program of "I CAN COPE" beginning on Monday, July 8. The program runs for eight consecutive Mondays - from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. - until Monday, Aug. 26. "I CAN COPE" is an American Cancer Society program. This "I CAN COPE" series will be held at St. Albert the Great Parish, 2420 St. Albert Dr., Sun Prairie.
"I CAN COPE" is for the person with cancer and for anyone who in some way is touched by that disease such as a spouse, family, friends, or other supporting persons.
The class is free and open to the public. To sign up for "I CAN COPE," call St. Marys Hospital Public Relations at 608-258-5065.
De Forest parish center groundbreaking
DE FOREST -- At the annual volunteer appreciation Mass and picnic held recently at St. Olaf Parish, the parishioners celebrated the ground breaking of their parish center expansion and renovation project.
The beginning of this project marks the realization of the parish goals to provide for the religious education of their children and adult membership, the expansion of office facilities within the center, and the increase of storage space available within the building constructed in 1963.
The project started this spring is to be completed by fall 2002.
Statement of Bishop Timothy M. Dolan: Archbishop-Elect of Milwaukee
Archbishop-Elect of Milwaukee Timothy M. Dolan |
May Jesus Christ be praised!
My name is Timothy Michael Dolan, and I'm your new archbishop.
I come before you humbled, honored, hopeful, happy, excited ... most of all grateful.
Grateful to the Lord for the rich heritage and promising future of this faithful church of Milwaukee, grateful for my brothers Rembert Weakland, Richard Sklba, and devoted priests and deacons; thankful for religious women and men, for all the pastoral ministers and lay leaders, and especially grateful for you great and loyal people of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Grateful to Pope John Paul II for the trust of this new apostolic challenge;
Already I can say from my heart: I love you, I need you, I relish the prospect of coming to know you, listening to you, and serving you.
The appointment for me is an occasion of spiritual renewal and recommitment. I hope it will be for you, too. I would deeply appreciate your prayers, as I promise you mine, with reliance, especially upon our blessed Mother, Mary.
Thanks be to God!
Thanks be to all of you!
Biography of Bishop Timothy M. Dolan: Archbishop-Elect, Milwaukee Archdiocese Current Auxiliary Bishop of St. Louis
Born Feb. 6, 1950, Timothy Michael Dolan was the first child of Shirley Radcliffe Dolan and the late Robert Dolan. Bishop Dolan has two sisters and two brothers.
The Bishop was baptized at Immaculate Conception Parish, Maplewood, Mo. The family subsequently moved to Ballwin, Mo., and the newly founded Holy Infant Parish.
In 1964 Bishop Dolan began his high school seminary education at St. Louis Preparatory Seminary South in Shrewsbury, Mo. From 1968-1972 his seminary foundation continued at Cardinal Glennon College where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy. At the invitation of Cardinal John Joseph Carberry, then Archbishop of St. Louis, Dolan completed his priestly formation at the Pontifical North American College in Rome where he earned a License in Sacred Theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas.
On June 19, 1976, he was ordained to the priesthood at his home parish by the Auxiliary Bishop Edward T. O'Meara of St. Louis. Dolan first served as associate pastor at Immacolata Parish in Richmond Heights, Mo., until 1979 when he began studies for a doctorate in American Church History at the Catholic University of America. Before completing the doctorate, Dolan lived for one year in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, completing research on the late Archbishop Edwin O'Hara, whose life and ministry was the subject of his doctoral dissertation.
On his return to St. Louis, Dolan served as associate pastor of Cure of Ars Parish in Shrewsbury, Mo., from 1983-1985, and then from 1985-1987 at Little Flower Parish in Richmond Heights, Mo. During that time he was also liaison for the late Archbishop John L. May in the restructuring of the college and theology programs of the Archdiocesan seminary system.
In 1987 Dolan began a five-year term of service as Secretary to the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, D.C., assisting Cardinal Pio Laghi and then Cardinal Agostino Cacciavillan. When Dolan returned to St. Louis in 1992 he was appointed vice rector of Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, serving also as director of spiritual formation and professor of church history. He was also adjunct professor of theology at Saint Louis University.
In 1994 Bishop Dolan was appointed rector of the Pontifical North American College in Rome where he served until June 2001. While in Rome he also served as visiting professor of Church History at the Pontifical Gregorian University and as a faculty member in the Department of Ecumenical Theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas. Dolan's work in seminary education has influenced the life and ministry of a great number of priests of the new millennium. A collection of his Rector's Conferences at the North American College, published in book form in 2000 by "Our Sunday Visitor Press, " "Priests for the Third Millennium," has been enthusiastically received by bishops, priests, seminarians and the laity.
On June 19, 2001--the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood--Pope John Paul II named Dolan Titular Bishop of Natchez and Auxiliary Bishop of St. Louis. Bishop Dolan chose for his Episcopal motto the profession of faith of St. Peter: Ad Quem Ibimus-Lord to whom shall we go? (John 6:68).
Pope John Paul II named Bishop Dolan the 10th Archbishop of the Milwaukee Archdiocese June 25, 2002.
(Source: St. Louis Archdiocese, Milwaukee Archdiocese)
Bishop names new chancellor, board members
By Mary C. Uhler
MADISON -- Bishop William H. Bullock has appointed Msgr. Daniel T. Ganshert chancellor of the Diocese of Madison effective June 12.
He replaces Msgr. Joseph P. Higgins, chancellor since 1969, who retired on June 12 (see page 10 for more information on Higgins [print edition only]).
In making the appointment, Bullock said, "Msgr. Ganshert has been a faithful and devoted priest in many aspects of diocesan life, from his time at Holy Name Seminary to his work at St. Patrick Parish in Madison and now at St. Raphael Cathedral. The diocesan Strategic Plan was developed under his leadership. He is a man of great patience and is respected by the priests of the diocese."
In accepting the appointment as chancellor, Ganshert told the bishop, "Thank you for allowing me to serve you and my diocese in this way. I am grateful for your blessing that with God's help I may serve well with devotion to our Diocese of Madison in all its needs."
New chancellor
A native of Hazel Green, Ganshert attended grade school and high school in Gratiot; De Sales Preparatory Seminary; Holy Name Seminary, Madison; and completed his seminary studies at St. Francis, Milwaukee. He was ordained a priest May 24, 1974 at St. Raphael Cathedral, Madison.
He was associate pastor of St. James, Madison; St. Clement, Lancaster; St. Francis Xavier, Cross Plains; and St. Mary Janesville. He was pastor of St. Barnabas, Mazomanie, with the mission of St. John the Baptist, Mill Creek, and St. Patrick, Madison. He was named rector of St. Raphael Cathedral in July of 2000. In June he was also appointed episcopal vicar for Holy Redeemer, Madison.
Ganshert currently serves as special assistant to the bishop for planning and is vicar for religious. He is a diocesan consultor and a member of the Presbyteral Council. He also chairs the Diocesan Building Commission and is a member of the Diocesan Corporate Board, St. Raphael Board, Bishop O'Connor Catholic Center Board, and Financial Aid Committee and Seminarian Review Board.
During his years as a priest he served on the faculty of Holy Name Seminary and was associate director of the diocesan Office of Religious Education. He was also a member of the Personnel Board. He was named a Prelate of Honor in 1999 and has been a Knights of Columbus chaplain.
Corporate Board
Also named to the Diocesan Corporate Board are Fr. John G. Stillmank and Gregory J. Keller.
Fr. John Stillmank is Moderator of the Curia and pastor of St. Andrew, Verona, and St. William, Paoli. Of his appointment he said, "I really enjoy the best of both worlds. As a pastor I am able to include parish ministry as part of my service to the people of the Dicoese of Madison. And as a member of the diocesan staff I am able to serve the office of the Bishop and the needs of the diocese and our priests in many ways.
"I am thankful to Bishop Bullock for the trust and confidence he has shown in me in all my appointments, and I am honored to become a member of the Corporate Board of the Diocese of Madison," said Stillmank.
Gregory J. Keller, chief financial officer of the diocese, has been an ex officio member of the Corporate Board and will now become a voting member. "I am honored that Bishop Bullock has placed his trust in my judgement and ability to serve the Diocese of Madison in this capacity," he commented.