Pope Paul VI's predictions on target
Earlier sexual experiences among children. Sexual promiscuity among adults. Increasing incidents of sexual abuse. More cohabitation before marriage.
Editor's View Mary C. Uhler |
A high divorce rate. Domestic violence.
Human trafficking. Pornography.
Same-sex unions.
The list goes on and on.
Lowering of sexual morality
What we've been experiencing in the past 40 years seems to be a lowering of sexual morality. The boundaries have been broken and we are seeing the results.
Some might say we've always had immoral behavior. But in the past, such behavior was more isolated and was not accepted by society at large.
Today, anything goes. If it feels good, do it. That's what we often hear today and see on television and in movies.
Pope Paul VI's predictions
Pope Paul VI predicted much of this behavior back in 1968 in his landmark encyclical, Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life). Although he got plenty of criticism for not changing the Church's traditional teaching on artificial birth control, Pope Paul VI predicted many of the serious consequences of using artificial birth regulation.
Although we can't blame all sexual immorality on the use of birth control, we can see that Pope Paul VI has been proven right. In Humanae Vitae he said:
"Responsible persons can be still more easily convinced of the solid grounds on which the teaching of the Church in this field is based, if they stop to reflect upon the consequences of the use of the methods of artificial birth regulation. Let them consider, first of all, how wide and easy a road would thus be opened to conjugal infidelity and to a general lowering of morality. One does not need much experience to know human weakness and to understand that human beings - especially the young, who are so vulnerable on this point - have need of encouragement to be faithful to the moral law, and must not be offered an easy means to evade its observance" (Humanae Vitae, 17).
Pope Paul VI also feared that men would "lose respect" for women and consider them a "mere instrument of selfish enjoyment," rather than a "respected and beloved companion." He also was concerned about the imposition of methods of contraception by governments who want to control population. We have seen that happen in China and other countries.
Take another look at Humanae Vitae
As we mark the 40th anniversary of Humanae Vitae, I encourage Catholics to take another look at that encyclical and discover or rediscover the insights and timeless truths it contains.
This week's issue of the Catholic Herald includes several articles on Humanae Vitae and on Natural Family Planning, something Pope Paul VI affirmed in his encyclical. Throughout the coming year, the Catholic Herald will include regular articles on the issues discussed in Humanae Vitae. We hope the articles will help our readers see the importance and beauty of the Church's teachings on sexuality and marriage.
Please check out the resources on Pages 12 and 13 [online here] to see where you can obtain a copy of Humanae Vitae. The Catholic Herald will continue to provide information on special programs on the encyclical as well as Natural Family Planning classes and talks.
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Recent court rulings not from conservative justices
To the editor:
In the Mailbag (June 26), Mr. Murphy points out that John McCain would appoint Supreme Court Justices like President Bush did. Wrong. John McCain said, "he would appoint conservative judges."
Recent rulings of the Supreme Court that affect average Americans no matter what their religion, race, or sex have not come from conservative Supreme Court justices. These rulings have come from liberal justices, not from the justices appointed by President Bush.
There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution of the United States of America that protects abortion or implies that it is a woman's right to do so. The abortion practitioners would like to have you believe this but it is completely false. The Roe vs. Wade decision was based on no fact whatsoever. As most persons know, the woman in the actual case realizes now that she was duped and has tried to have this practice stopped and the decision of Roe vs. Wade overturned.
As far as unions go, they would like to have all workers believe they are working for them, but that also is false. Most unions are only interested in increasing membership and getting more dollars into their coffers. I have personally been involved in three unions and that was their main objective. There currently is a bill that is in process to allow Wisconsin workers the choice to join or not to join a union. This allows for freedom of choice and not forced joining.
Justice Scalia is a practicing Catholic that sees his role very clearly and strictly uses constitutional law as it is written and not how he would like to see it read. He opens the law to all Americans, not just a select few.
Greg Simonis, Madison
There is no 'right' to abortion
To the editor:
John Murphy (Mailbag, June 26) is worried about Supreme Court Justice Scalia being against "abortion rights."
In the eyes of the Creator, there is no such thing as a "right" to kill an innocent human child. Just because the Supreme Court ruled in Roe vs. Wade that there is such a right, does not make it true.
Roe vs. Wade was an erroneous decision, just as the Dred Scott ruling of 1857 was, and it will surely be overturned someday, just as Dred Scott was.
Maribeth DeRocher, Darlington