Discerning God's perspective
A few days ago my husband and I visited face to face with our representatives in the state legislature as part of a Catholic advocacy effort. Our aim was to promote the Catholic faith community's position on several key issues the legislators would consider in the current session.
Being a citizen advocate was a new role for my husband who recently retired from a long career as an editorial writer. He knows the issues well and can articulate a position easily. After years of continuing dialogue he also knows well, and personally, our state senator and delegate.
March 2, 2008 Fourth Sunday of Lent
1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a
Psalm 23:1-6
Ephesians 5:8-14
John 9:1-41
As our delegate welcomed us into his office, it appeared that this familiarity might head off serious discussion. Initial light verbal jabs and laughs indicated the two men's understanding that they stand at opposite political poles. Finally, the delegate said, "So what have you got for me?"
I handed him our packet of written materials. He cursorily thumbed through the pages as my husband amiably reminded him that, "We are Catholic and you probably know where Catholics stand on most of these issues."
They discussed the delegate's longtime support of the death penalty and briefly argued its value as a deterrent to violent crime. The delegate mentioned, however, that his thoughts on the issue have been "evolving" recently. At that point I sneaked into the conversation, suggesting he consider the matter in terms of societal respect for humanity. He and I had never met before so he thoughtfully responded in kind to my serious tone.
With that small opening he and my husband engaged in a new conversation about faith and human dignity that seemed to open a possibility to this young man's eventual change of heart. Once they had broken through the veil of certain expected behaviors, they could see each other differently and communicate in a clearer, new way.
For reflection:
What things in your daily living obscure spiritual perspective?
How can you "get away" from world-bound concerns and familiarity to see life as God sees it?
This weekend's readings are about seeing God's vision of human life, a vision obscured by daily minutiae, popular culture, and familiarity. The Scriptures call us to be blind to the worldly view so we can discern God's perspective - and his will for us. For me, it usually means physically removing myself from what is familiar to get a better God's-eye view. It's a constant battle, but once our eyes are opened, our will has a chance to follow his path.
This column is offered in cooperation with the North Texas Catholic of Fort Worth, Texas.
This week's readings
Week of March 2 - 8, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Reading I: 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a
Reading II: Eph 5:8-14
Gospel: Jn 9:1-41 or 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38
Monday, March 3, 2008
Reading I: Is 65:17-21
Gospel: Jn 4:43-54
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Reading I: Ez 47:1-9, 12
Gospel: Jn 5:1-16
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Reading I: Is 49:8-15
Gospel: Jn 5:17-30
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Reading I: Ex 32:7-14
Gospel: Jn 5:31-47
Friday, March 7, 2008
Reading I: Wis 2:1a, 12-22
Gospel: Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Reading I: Jer 11:18-20
Gospel: Jn 7:40-53
Pope's Prayer Intentions
March General Intention
Forgiveness. That all may understand the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation between individuals and peoples and that the Church may spread Christ's love.
March Mission Intention
The Persecuted. That Christians who are persecuted because of the Gospel may be sustained by the Holy Spirit and continue to bear witness to the Word of God.