The Catholic Herald Mission Statement:
The Catholic Herald is the official newspaper of the Diocese of Madison. Its purpose is to inform and educate people of the Diocese through communications that proclaim Gospel values, report the news, and comment on issues as they pertain to the mission of the Catholic Church, which is to bring all in Jesus Christ to the Father. |
Changing our design for you Redesign of Catholic Herald offers benefits for readers
For the past three weeks, the Catholic Herald has featured "teaser" ads saying things like, "Change is in the air."
Editor's View Mary C. Uhler |
Savvy readers have been curious. Some have asked, "What's this all about?"
As the weeks have gone by, more information has been revealed. You may have noticed the new "flag" emerging - this is what goes at the top of our front page. You may have been intrigued by teasers about better use of space, larger type, larger photos, more color, and more in-depth local news. Full story ...
News & Features:

Called to ministry in music: Parish involvement has fostered his spiritual growth

Defining chastity: 'It IS all about YOU!'

Will religion affect Romney's chances? Speech echoes Kennedy's view of faith in office

Celebrating the nature and dignity of women

Question Corner by Fr. John Dietzen -- Catholic teaching on salvation of non-Catholics

The Pope Speaks by Pope Benedict XVI -- Saint Chromatius of Aquileia

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Future special sections:

Christmas Greetings/Senior Focus: Dec. 20, 2007

Safe Driving: Dec. 27, 2007

Vocations: Jan. 10, 2008

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Christmas party goes on despite storm Disabled, elderly come out for Apostolate event
By Mary C. Uhler
Catholic Herald Staff
MONROE -- A snowstorm hit southern Wisconsin on December 1, but it didn't stop the 40th annual Christmas party sponsored by the Apostolate to the Handicapped at Monroe Senior High School from happening.
"We Have Seen Incredible Things Today" - the theme for this year's event - seemed especially appropriate considering that over 650 disabled and elderly people managed to attend.
Called a 'miracle'
"The miracle was that it happened," said Msgr. Thomas F. Campion, director of the Apostolate. "People came and they had a wonderful time. We really had a great day."
Monsignor Campion said the number attending was about half of those expected, but much more than when the Apostolate held its first Christmas party 40 years ago.

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Combining song and Scripture for Christmas Bishop Bullock to host annual Lessons and Carols
By Dick Jones
For the Catholic Herald
MADISON -- Fresh from auditions at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, soprano Jamie-Rose Guarrine returns to Madison to sing with the Madison Diocesan Choir in its Christmas holiday concert, Lessons and Carols, under the direction of Dr. Patrick Gorman, Sunday, Dec. 16, at the Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center.
Guarrine and her husband, cellist Karl Knapp, will be the featured artists. Both sang with the St. Raphael Cathedral Choir, also directed by Gorman, while earning their graduate degrees in music at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. They now live in Minneapolis, where Guarrine is in her third season as an artist in residence with the Minnesota Opera.
"It's so amazing, the world is amazing with opera," Guarrine said during a telephone interview between auditions in New York. With her schedule of auditions, she said she would leave New York on a flight to Madison only the day before the concert. "I will be in voice and ready to go."

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What is the Trusting in the Spirit Implementation?
By Grant Emmel
All of the faithful of the Diocese of Madison, over the last 15 months, have been working through the Guided by the Spirit planning process, an extended period of self-evaluation leading to the recently released bishop's directives for all parishes of the diocese.
Training schedule:
These directives are meant to define the direction for each cluster of parishes so that as priestly assignments change, each parish has an idea of where they are heading with regard to their pastoral leadership and the sacramental life of their community. It is believed that this will reduce the anxiety from change that people generally feel when things are made different, for whatever reason.
Also, having planned change allows for people to make the best use of the resources available to their community, whether personnel, financial, or material. All of this planning occurred under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and using the best thinking of all in the diocese. Full story ...