Happy holidays: No way - let's NOT be politically correct
Aren't you tired of politically correct holidays? Avoiding the term "Christmas" is the last straw! We've got to do something to restore the real meaning of Christmas.
We used to have Christmas cards, Christmas music, Christmas trees, and Christmas lights. Now many merchants advertise holiday cards, seasonal music, family trees, and bright lights. It's ridiculous!
Greeting cards. Last weekend I shopped for Christmas cards at a popular national card shop. I noticed that there were very few religious cards - and even some of those marked "religious" had nothing to say about Christ's birth or the Nativity story. Some had pictures of angels and messages about peace, joy, and love - but no mention of Jesus, Mary, or Joseph.
The solution for Christians is clear: buy Christmas cards with a religious message. If we buy them, companies will continue to make them. We can also order Christmas cards from religious orders or Catholic organizations.
If we cave in to the holiday card syndrome so we don't offend anyone, then we're helping perpetuate the problem. And remember, we are sending cards indicating our beliefs - not the beliefs of the recipients. Maybe a religious message will even serve as a subtle means of evangelization.
Holiday or Christmas tree? In Wisconsin, we have had a state Christmas tree since 1916. It's a tree cut down from somewhere in our state and placed in the Rotunda of the state Capitol.
Most of us still call it the Capitol Christmas tree. But guess what? It's not. As of 1985, it has been officially called a "holiday tree."
One state representative has launched an effort to restore the "Christmas tree" title. Representative Marlin Schneider (D-Wisconsin Rapids) has introduced a resolution in the Legislature to revert to the former name. A legislative aid for Schneider told Wisconsin Public Radio that his boss says to call the tree something else demeans those it is a symbol for, namely Christians.
It's no surprise that Annie Laurie Gaylor with the Madison-based Freedom From Religion Foundation says it's not necessary to change the name back to Christmas tree. She says labeling it a Christmas tree insults the many non-Christians living in Wisconsin.
Gaylor - as usual - doesn't seem to get it. Our nation was founded on freedom of religion. We respect the beliefs of people of all faiths. And holiday traditions of many faiths are part of our national heritage. That's why there are Christmas trees and Nativity scenes for Christmas, as well as menorahs for Hanukkah.
I would suggest contacting your state representative and state senator. Ask them to support Representative Schneider's resolution.
If you want ammunition to fight the war for Christmas, the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights Web site (www.catholicleague.org) has plenty of material. Just put the word "Christmas" in their search engine. Many excellent articles will come up, including one entitled "Christmas Cards We Wouldn't Recommend."
Reason for the season. Above all, we need to remember the reason for the season and keep Christ in Christmas. Prepare for his coming - not only by decorating the house and sending cards, but by spending time during the Advent season in prayer and reflection. A blessed Advent and Christmas to all our readers!
Mary C. Uhler
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