
News Briefs:
Garage sale, fundraiser for high school mission trip
MT. HOREB -- This summer, 49 teens from St. Ignatius Parish, Mt. Horeb; St. Mary Parish, Pine Bluff; and St. Aloysius Parish, Sauk City, will participate in a mission trip organized by MadCAAP (Madison Countians Allied Against Poverty), which builds homes throughout Madison County, Miss. for low-income families living in substandard housing.
The number of houses MadCAAP can build in a summer depends on the number of volunteer teams and the amount of money they raise. This year, the students' goal is to raise $30,000.
The simplest way to support the trip is to become a shareholder. A single share costs $20 (tax-deductible), and an unlimited number are available. To purchase shares, send a check made out to St. Aloysius Parish in an envelope marked "Mission Trip" to St. Aloysius Parish, 115 Madison St., Sauk City, WI 53583. All shareholders will receive a receipt and an invitation to the benefit dinner in June.
Also, the Mt. Horeb village garage sale takes place the last weekend in April, and the Mission Trip students will hold their own garage sale at St. Ignatius Parish, 111 S. 6th St., along with a brat lunch and a bake sale. Items will be donated by parishioners from all parishes sending teens on the trip. The sale will run Thursday, April 26, from 12 noon to 6 p.m.; Friday, April 27, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturday, April 28, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Councils of Catholic women schedule deanery meetings
Grant Deanery

PATCH GROVE -- "Connecting God and Family" is the theme for the Grant Deanery spring meeting Wednesday, April 25 at St. John Parish here. Registration is at 9 a.m. followed by business meeting, concelebrated Mass with Msgr. Duane Moellenberndt as homilist, and luncheon. Jackie Miller, pastoral assistant at St. Mary Parish, Platteville, and Patti Eggers will speak on "Passing Faith on to our Children" at 12:30. There will be two workshops - international and organization. The offertory collection will help pay for baby furniture at a local shelter.
Lafayette Deanery

DARLINGTON -- Holy Rosary Parish here will host the Lafayette Deanery spring meeting Thursday, April 26. Registration is at 5 p.m. followed by Mass and Benediction. Homilist will be Fr. Lorin Bowens. Supper will be served at 6 followed by the business meeting. Speaker will be Sr. Mary Frost, Oregon, whose topic is "Fair Trade and Immigration." Monetary donations will be given to the "Kolwezi (Congo) Project."
West Dane Deanery

BELLEVILLE -- "Jesus Loves all His Children" is the theme of the West Dane Deanery spring meeting Tuesday, May 1, at St. Mary of Lourdes Parish here. Registration is at 8 a.m. followed by business meeting, commission reports, and talk by Laura Kniffin, Belleville. An art therapist, she has worked with children and families in Guatemala, Peru, Costa Rica, Mexico, and the United States. A concelebrated Mass will be offered at 11 with Fr. Lorin Bowens as homilist. There will be a luncheon at noon. Those attending are asked to bring helpful school and art supplies. Reservations are due April 27 to Joan Hollis, N 9098 Hwy. D, Belleville, WI 53508. Cost is $8.
Iowa Deanery

MONTFORT -- St. Thomas Parish here will host the Iowa Deanery spring meeting Thursday, May 3. Theme is "Hope Is Eternal." Registration is at 4:30 p.m. followed by business meeting, concelebrated Mass with Fr. Lorin Bowens as homilist, and supper. Ann Yurcek, Lancaster, will be the guest speaker. She is the mother of six children - the youngest has a life-threatening genetic disease. To pay forward, Ann and her husband adopted five African American siblings. She also is the author of Tiny Titan. Reservations are due Friday, April 27, to Helen Straka, P.O. Box 223, Montfort, WI 53569. Cost is $5.
Women invited to talk on Mother Teresa
MADISON -- The women of St. Joseph and St. James Parishes, Madison, invite other women from Madison and from all areas of the Madison Diocese to attend a meeting at St. Joseph Church, 1905 W. Beltline Hwy. on Tuesday, May 15. Mass will begin at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 and program at 7:30. Maria Joseph, who grew up in Calcutta, India, but now resides in Madison, will speak on "Growing up with Mother Teresa." Reservations are due by Wednesday, May 10, by sending a $10 check made out to Madison Council of Catholic Women to Donna Hellenbrand, 5750 Enchanted View Ln, Waunakee, WI, 53597, phone 608-850-5750.
Separation, divorce, loss of relationship
MADISON -- Two local parishes offer peer support groups for those hurting from separation, divorce, or loss of a significant relationship. The groups are open to all ages and faiths. For information, call 608-824-0014. Friends on a Journey meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, May 3 and 17, at Our Lady Queen of Peace, 401 S. Owen Dr. New Directions meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, April 26 and May 10 and 24, at St. Dennis Parish Center, 413 Dempsey Rd.
Birth Parent Support Group to meet
MADISON -- A Birth Parent Support Group will meet Tuesday, May 1, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at 5 Odana Ct. Sponsors are Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social Services. This ongoing support group for people who have placed their child/ren for adoption is free, safe, and confidential. It is held on the second Tuesday of every month. For registration, contact Alice at 608-270-6635 or e-mail apearson@lsswis.org or Trish at 608-833-4800, ext. 109, or e-mail pregnancy@tds.net
Sinsinawa Mound hosts blood drive on May 10
SINSINAWA -- Sinsinawa Mound Center will host a blood drive sponsored by the Red Cross from 1:30 to 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 10. Everyone is welcome. Come give blood and save lives. For more information, contact guest services at 608-748-4411 or visit www.sinsinawa.org
Partners of Divine Savior Healthcare: Hold geranium sale
PORTAGE -- The Partners of Divine Savior Healthcare fifth annual geranium sale is taking place throughout the month of April.
The plants are 4-1/2" tall, with red, white, or pink blooms, and cost $3.75 each. Order forms are available at Divine Savior Healthcare's front desk (2817 New Pinery Rd.), Divine Savior Extended Care's front lobby (715 W. Pleasant St.), and the Divine Savior Healthcare Pardeeville Clinic (102 Gillette St., Pardeeville).
Orders may also be placed by calling volunteer services at 608-745-5166. Be sure to leave name, telephone number, and the quantity of each color to be ordered.
All orders must be placed by May 1. Plant pick-ups are scheduled for Thursday, May 10, and Friday, May 11, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Divine Savior Healthcare's Northeast entrance (along Eastridge Rd.). Payment is due when picking up the plants. Any plants not picked-up by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 11, will be sold.
In addition to this project, the Partners provide over 13,000 hours of volunteer services each year, assist with community education programs, provide scholarships, and help raise additional funds through annual events.
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Apostolate: Forty years and still going strong
By Kathleen Bushman
MADISON -- For being 40 years old, the Apostolate to the Handicapped still looks pretty good.
But with generations of volunteers and with the joy that lights the faces of those who come to help out and those who come and are helped, it's not surprising that the Apostolate is still thriving. It continues to help the elderly and the disabled through its weekly television Masses and its large gatherings, such as the most recent Spring Day held at Monroe High School.
Though never quite as large as the Christmas gathering, the Apostolate's Spring Day still
commanded a good-sized crowd of both attendees and volunteers on April 14. Bishop William H. Bullock, bishop emeritus, who celebrated the Mass, was said to have questioned jokingly if there were enough servers. As well, the number of priests who concelebrated with the bishop was the largest the Spring Day has ever seen, said Msgr. Thomas Campion, head of the Apostolate.
Cast for a full net
"We've had a wonderful year in Monroe," he said, recognizing especially the young people in sports and FFA who come to help with the Apostolate. "Truly, we have so much to be proud of, of our young people in Monroe."
In the Gospel the day before, Christ told his disciples to cast out into the deep, Monsignor Campion said. "All of us in life look at it sometimes, our net is empty. Even
if we see nothing in our lives, even if our nets seem empty, then we have that kind of faith that he is with us, that we are not afraid.
"Today, my net is truly full," he said, this year being not only the 40th anniversary of
the Apostolate, but also his 50th anniversary as a priest. "I am full of happiness and joy for the handicapped people, and great people who help, for the young people, for everyone."
He thanked Bishop Bullock especially for his support over the years. "He's helped me, time
and again to cast my net to the other side. And the net comes back full," he said.
"Bishop Bullock and all of you, handicapped and helpers, you have helped me, day in and
day out, especially in the last year, to cast my net to the other side, and today I repeat: my net is full."
Eucharist and service
"As I stand here before you today, I do so in no false humility," Bishop Bullock said. "For I do not do enough for the handicapped. And many of you who are here and caretakers and relatives do this on a regular basis and for a long period of time. But I lend my voice to affirm you in that very beautiful work, because the handicapped are God's very special people."
By drawing near to God's love and persevering in that love, we can become the living signs
of God's presence, he said. "Otherwise, what we do is just a humanitarian act."
The bishop spoke of the Eucharistic mystery as Christ's legacy of love for us.
"Does it not make our hearts 'burn within us'?" he said, paraphrasing the theme of the
Spring Day, partly borrowed from the Gospel reading of the disciples on the road to Emmaus: "Jesus - Look at Us; Our Hearts Are Burning."
"I think it does. But the flame that burns shows us that real charity in Christ is not just a word to topple off our lips, but one that is connected to action and service to others, especially those who are poor and the handicapped."
The link between the Eucharist and service to others must remain connected, he said.
"We shall never serve our neighbor out of love unless we have a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ, and we shall never have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ unless we offer ourselves in service to one another."
Chance to 'get out'
The Apostolate outings offer many who come an opportunity to see friends they have not seen in a while and a chance "just to get out," several of the attendees said.
In addition to the Mass, the Spring Day also included musical entertainment by Hugo and Heidi and a dinner.
Joanne Mick of Monroe, attending her first Spring Day, mentioned the nice music and how
many people were there, some of whom she recognized. She mainly, though, appreciated the chance to get out for the day.
Another attendee, a veteran of the Apostolate gatherings, talked about how the Apostolate is such a good cause. Her mother, Molly Zander, of Cross Plains, had bought a traveling altar for Monsignor Campion years ago, when he went around to the houses. It's a tradition for people to help out, she said.
Irene Molitor of Monroe has been a volunteer for 25 years. "Father Tom is very special to me and my family," she said, echoing a sentiment many expressed. "That's how everybody feels, I guess."
The reason she helps is to make the day special for those who attend. "That's why we do it," she said. "For a lot of them, it's all they have."
In Wisconsin, bells ring and students pray
By Kathleen Bushman
MADISON -- On Friday, April 20, at 11 a.m., bells around Wisconsin tolled in memory
of the shootings at Virginia Tech University, in which 33 died and many more were injured.
The ringing of the bells and the accompanying moment of silence were called by Governor Jim Doyle as a sign of solidarity with the people of Virginia.
At colleges and universities around the area, campus ministries have offered resources for students to react beyond the moment of silence.
At Edgewood College in Madison, students joined in candlelight prayer on Tuesday night and throughout the week offered prayers and Masses for victims. They were also invited to write in a Book of Prayers that will be sent to the ecumenical-interfaith campus ministry center at Virginia Tech.
"My sense is, initially, the sadness and the shock of it," Mary Klink, director of campus ministry at the college, said of students' reactions. "I think they move between 'this is happening somewhere else' and the shock that it is happening."
But at a small college, officials and counselors are able to get resources quickly to their students, she said. Many students were able to meet one-on-one with Edgewood faculty members to talk.
At UW-Platteville, St. Augustine University Parish worked with the university for a Vigil of Remembrance on Monday night. At the vigil, the Inter-Religious Council of UWP, made up of
campus ministry groups who work together within a framework of hospitality and welcome for all students, while recognizing the differences that exist, will provide three journals for students to sign with prayers and well-wishes to be sent to Virginia Tech.
Also at St. Paul's University Catholic Center, on the UW-Madison campus, students joined in a prayer service on the Wednesday after the tragedy as a joint effort with the university's Offices of the Dean of Students and with other university religious workers. On Thursday, a special memorial Mass was held at the chapel, and prayers were offered throughout the week.
Guided by the Spirit: Cluster Committee questions/answers
By Grant Emmel
As each cluster discusses the Planning Commission's Preliminary Recommendation in preparation for giving their cluster response by May 11, 2007, there are some questions that have arisen.
I felt it would be advantageous to list and answer these questions to all of those interested in the Guided by the Spirit Planning and Implementation process - which should minimally be all of the Catholics in the Madison Diocese.
In order to cover as many questions as possible I am going to be brief, so I encourage you to e-mail or call if you would like further discussion.
Can we have more direction on timelines? When should we start on the recommendations given? Who will give that direction?
Implementation is going to take time, very likely a number of years. Nobody should be concerned about putting together their Implementation Committee until later in the summer and only after they have been given direction from the Diocesan Office of Planning.
The main focus now is for all people of the Diocese to understand and become comfortable with the recommendations that will be going to the Bishop. There is a lot of planning and preparation that needs to be done by the Diocese before clusters begin their implementation work so that the Guided by the Spirit Implementation succeeds.
Parish staffs of rural parishes are already stretched. When they merge or link with other parishes that do not have staff, will they burn out?
This is a real concern and highlights the reason above for people to not be impatient with the implementation process and wait for the information from the Diocese on how to proceed.
How many priests will there be in three or four years?
There are presently 84 assignable priests and we are losing (on the average) three priests per year. Thus in three years we will be down to 74 priests but we will gain four priests next year from seminarians who are due to be ordained. By 2011 it is highly likely that we will have 75 assignable priests.
How will the implementation affect the current priestly assignments? How were retiring priests brought into the equation?
The Priest Personnel Board has been kept informed about the planning process and the Preliminary Recommendations. They are trying very hard to take into account the priests'
wishes and the realities of priest retirements with regard to their timing. The general idea is to try and set up the assignments so that there is a minimum of reshuffling of priests to give some stability to the parishes.
Previous articles:
April 12, 2007 edition:
Guided by the Spirit: Understanding Preliminary Recommendation
March 29, 2007 edition:
Planning Commission: Offers preliminary recommendations
March 22, 2007 edition:
Guided by the Spirit: Planning Commission and work ahead
March 1, 2007 edition:
Guided by the Spirit: Living into parish mergers
Sidebar: What is The Reid Group?
February 22, 2007 edition:
Guided by the Spirit: Planning process questions/answers
February 15, 2007 edition:
Guided by the Spirit: Cultural questions and answers
February 8, 2007 edition:
Guided by the Spirit: Questions and answers
February 1, 2007 edition:
Guided by the Spirit: Cluster planning and parish models
January 25, 2007 edition:
Guided by the Spirit: Cluster core committee structure and roles
December 7, 2006 edition:
Guided by the Spirit: Information on cluster responses
November 30, 2006 edition:
Guided by the Spirit: Cluster assignments sent
October 26, 2006 edition:
Guided by the Spirit: Parish Core Committee structure, roles
October 19, 2006 edition:
Guided by the Spirit: Criteria used in parish self-evaluation
October 12, 2006 edition:
Planning: Understanding the 'assumptions and goals'
October 5, 2006 edition:
Planning: How did we get to where we are today?
How will the Diocese support parishes that are merging in handling grief, consolation, conflicts, and other issues?
The Diocese will be sponsoring workshops and programs to help with the variety of issues and situations that are going to arise. The first of these will be the Parish Leadership Conference that is being planned for October 23 to 24, 2007, right after the Bishop's announcement of his restructuring decision. The conference will have speakers, workshops, and opportunities to discuss these issues as the Diocese begins the Implementation process. Be looking for upcoming information on this conference.
Will we see the recommendations given to the Bishop and will they be posted to the web?
Yes, they will be posted just like the Preliminary Recommendations are presently posted at www.madisondiocese.org under the "Strategic Plan" button.
If a parish is merged does it mean the closing of any building?
No, it doesn't. The closing of a building is totally up to the merged parish and their judgment just like the operation of any parish.
With regard to Catholic school support, how do we get answers about the school?
Schools should have been discussed at both the parish level, when doing the parish evaluation, and at the cluster level, when doing the cluster evaluation. It is never too late to get to know the school(s) in your cluster so I would suggest contacting the principal, pastor, or the Superintendent of Schools Mike Lancaster at the Diocesan offices.
There is much work to be done by everyone in the Diocese before the Guided by the Spirit Implementation begins this fall after Bishop Morlino makes his final decision. Please pray for all involved that the Holy Spirit will guide the Planning Commission's response, Bishop Morlino's decision, and then assist all of us, to build a stronger and more vibrant Diocesan Church.
If you have any questions, please contact us at guidedbythespirit@straphael.org or mail us at Guided by the Spirit, 702 S. High Point Rd., Madison, WI 53719.