Ban promotes ethical researchTo the editor: Governor Doyle claims that Assembly Bill (AB) 499, the Comprehensive Human Cloning Ban, would hinder medical research in Wisconsin by obstructing stem cell research. This is simply not true, and if the governor would read the bill, he would have to agree. Assembly Bill 499 prohibits neither human embryonic stem cell research nor adult stem cell research. What it does prohibit is somatic cell nuclear transfer, or SCNT, which is simply the scientific name for the human cloning process. Unlike Stanford University, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are not creating human embryonic stem cells through "therapeutic cloning." Rather, they are using embryonic stem cells extracted from embryos originally obtained from in vitro fertilization clinics. While Pro-Life Wisconsin condemns the destruction of in vitro human embryos for their stem cells, AB 499 would not affect this activity. Supporters of human cloning play verbal games and resort to half-truths, saying they support cloning only to "produce stem cells" and touting their huge potential for curing human disease. Evaded is the fact that human embryos must first be created and then killed in order to "produce" those stem cells. Hidden is the fact that human embryonic stem cells have never helped a human patient. Wisconsinites deserve the assurance that their state can build on its lead in biotechnology without compromising its bioethics. Please urge Governor Doyle to sign AB 499 into law by calling him at 608-266-1212 or e-mailing him through Matt Sande, Director of Legislative Affairs Religion strengthens AmericaTo the editor: Does not sound public and private morality give honor and strength to America? Is it not equally certain that, without religion there is no true morality, either public or private? From the family, solidly based on its natural foundations, comes the life, the growth, the energy of society, therefore the energy and principles of our nation. Without religion and morality, family bonds grow weak and waste away. Religion gives our officials their proper feelings of justice and love toward "we the people." It is the same religion that makes upright and good legislators, just and incorruptible judges, brave and heroic soldiers, and conscientious and diligent administrators. It is religion which produces concord and affection between husband and wife, love and reverence between parents and their children, which makes the poor respect the property of others and causes the rich to make right use of their wealth. From this fidelity to duty and this respect for the rights of others come the order, the tranquility, and the peace, which should be the bedrock of this nation. It is my hope that the influence of religion in America will increase. Jim Holden, Watertown Urge governor to sign cloning banTo Governor James Doyle: I urge you to sign Assembly Bill 499 (the ban on human cloning). We know this is morally wrong. Cloning human embryos for any reason is not in God's plan. He alone is our maker and creator. This could become just another monster of greed as have so many things in this world of ours today. Also, we wish you could reconsider spending our money on embryonic stem cell research, when so much success is already realized with adult stem cell research. This is where the money should be spent. Thank you, Mr. Governor. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle E. Klockow, Johnson Creek
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