Parents: Honor the call to be disciples
Our readings this week describe the Ascension of the Lord. In the Gospel, the last instruction that Jesus gave to his disciples was a call to evangelize. As I reflect, both on the Ascension and on Mother's Day, I am led to a better understanding of what my call to evangelize means.
His birth, his life, his death, his resurrection, and his ascension. Did Jesus ascend into heaven leaving us behind so we might fail? I don't believe this.
We are not born so we might die; we are born so that we might live. God gave us the eternal light of the Holy Spirit so that we might stop looking up at the heavens and go make disciples of all nations. With God's unconditional love we are assured success.
Ascension of the Lord (May 8, 2005)
Acts 1:1-11
Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9
Eph 1:17-23
Mt 28:16-20
Two men stood in white robes - Jesus was ascending. He said, "Why do you stand looking into the heavens?" Go then and make disciples of all nations.
We all need gentle reminders to stop looking at the heavens and get to work. In reading the Gospel we learn to live the Gospel and are asked to carry the good news.
When Jesus gave me the gift of motherhood, I was afraid. I wasn't just afraid of labor and delivery. I wasn't just thinking about whether I could be a good mother.
I was 31 when Anna was born. I was used to my autonomy and my independence. I worked full time as a nurse. Thomas was busy with his work. We were excited about our marriage and the decision to start a family. It seemed an easy, rational decision.
Then, along came Anna. We wanted it all. I wanted to care for Anna when she was ill, when she laughed, when her first tooth came in . . .
I wanted a full-time career and evaluations every three months telling me that I was doing the right thing and I wanted to be rewarded financially with an increase in my wages, and rewarded mentally by the more predictable outcome of being good at my job.
Now what? If I became a full- time, stay-at-home mom, I would have no more glowing evaluations, no coffee at the desk with colleagues, and no more predictable and positive outcomes.
It is many years since I made the choice to stay at home. The change was a struggle at first but I grew to love the time with my children, Anna, now 16 and Morgan, now 14.
Like anyone who chooses to work at a job full-time, I found it had its down sides, but I remain incredibly thankful for the opportunity that was given to me. I now work at the church part-time, the hospital part-time and as a mom full-time.
Each of us has a calling to work for the good of mankind and in doing so our hearts are enlightened and our joy awakened. Today is the Ascension of the Lord but it seems no coincidence that it is also Mother's Day. "Why do you stand looking into the heavens? Go then and make disciples of your children."
Reflection questions
Who has had the greatest impact on your life in Christ; how can you pass this on to others?
Set aside time to reflect on your calling as parent, son, or daughter and how it relates to your faith.
In what way are you called to evangelize in your daily life?
We are all disciples of the Lord. We live the Gospels each and every day with our unconditional love to that which bears fruit and give goodness to those around us.
Each of us has a call to evangelize. No matter what our choices are at work and at home, I believe that to be a parent is to honor the call to make disciples. There is nowhere better to evangelize than in our own family - to baptize, to teach goodness, and to let our children know that God is with them always.
Sharon Fry Pasic is a member at St. Paul University Catholic Center. She works part-time as a registered nurse, part-time at the church, and full-time as mother of Anna and Morgan.
St. Paul's Web site is www.stpaulscc.org
Faith Alive!
This week's readings
Week of May 8 - 14, 2005
Sunday, May 8, 2005
Ascension of the Lord
Reading I: Acts 1:1-11
Reading II: Eph 1:17-23
Gospel: Mt 28:16-20
Monday, May 9, 2005
Reading I: Acts 19:1-8
Gospel: Jn 16:29-33
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Reading I: Acts 20:17-27
Gospel: Jn 17:1-11a
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Reading I: Acts 20:28-38
Gospel: Jn 17:11b-19
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Reading I: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11
Gospel: Jn 17:20-26
Friday, May 13, 2005
Reading I: Acts 25:13b-21
Gospel: Jn 21:15-19
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Reading I: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26
Gospel: Jn 15:9-17
Pope's Prayer Intentions
May General Intention
The persecuted. That those persecuted for the sake of faith and justice may experience the consolation and strength of the Holy Spirit.
May Mission Intention
Missionary spirit. That the Pontifical Missionary Works may help the people of God to feel that they have a real part to play in the evangelization of all people.