Diocesan Events
April 1-3, 2005
Together Encountering Christ (TEC) #108
St. Joseph Parish, Baraboo
April 16-17, 2005
World Day of Prayer
For Vocations Weekend
April 19, 2005
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Madison
May 19, 2005
Adult Faith Formation Spring Gathering
Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center, Madison
May 27, 2005
Priesthood Ordination
St. Aloysius Parish, Sauk City
7:30 p.m. (NOTE: location changed to above church due to fire at St. Raphael Cathedral)
June 10-12, 2005
Together Encountering Christ (TEC) #109
St. Rose of Lima Parish, Cuba City
July 29-31, 2005
Together Encountering Christ (TEC) #110
St. Henry Parish, Watertown
August 14-25, 2005
Pilgrimage to World Youth Day, Cologne, Germany
Contact: Office of Religious Education,
Around the Diocese
Fish fry
DANE - Family style fish fry, St. Michael Parish hall, 109 S. Military Rd., Friday, April 1, 5 to 8:30 p.m.; carryouts available.
BELOIT - Italian supper, St. Jude Parish, 737 Hackett St., Saturday, April 2, 6 p.m.
LODI - Baby back pork ribs dinner, St. Patrick Parish hall, 521 Fair St., Saturday, April 2, 6 p.m.; call ahead, 608-592-5626; sponsored by Knights of Columbus.
BELOIT - Egg casserole breakfast, St. Jude Parish, 737 Hackett St., Sunday, April 3, 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
CASTLE ROCK RIDGE - Breakfast, St. John Nepomucene Parish, Hwy. G, Sunday, April 3, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; bake sale; raffle; funds go to basement window repair; Catholic Order of Foresters will match funds.
CROSS PLAINS - Pancake breakfast, St. Francis Xavier Fellowship Hall, 2947 Thinnes St. Sunday, April 3, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
DE FOREST - Spring luncheon, St. Olaf Parish hall, 615 Jefferson St., Thursday, April 7, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.; for reservations, call parish at 608-846-5726; sponsored by Council of Catholic Women.
Catholic Woman's Club
MADISON - Catholic Woman's Club luncheon at St. Bernard Church, 2438 Atwood Ave., Monday, April 11; rosary, 10:40; Mass, 11 a.m.; luncheon; program to feature Dr. William Rock on "Moral Decisions at Life's End"; guests welcome; luncheon cost $12; paid reservations should be sent to Margaret Dye, 12 Dempsey Rd., #213, Madison, WI 53714, or Alice Lauber, 5815 American Pkwy., #407, WI 53718; facility barrier free.
Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center
MADISON - Scheduled events, Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center, 702 S. High Point Rd., call 608-821-3130 for information:
• Eucharistic Exposition and Prayer for Vocations every weekday, Monday through Friday, from 9 to 11:45 a.m. (all welcome)
• Daily Mass, noon, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
• Friday, April 1 - Catholic Charities-Continuous Quality Improvement
• Saturday, April 2 - Office of Family Ministry-Retrouvaille Post Session
• Monday, April 4 - Office of Religious Education-LIMEX
• Tuesday, April 5 - Office of Family Ministry-Retrouvaille Board Meeting; Camp Gray-Capital Campaign Meeting
• Thursday, April 7 - Office of Catholic Schools-Standardized Report Card Committee, Diocesan Board of Education
Send announcements of parish and diocesan organizations' activities to: The Catholic Herald, P.O. Box 44985, Madison, WI 53744-4985; fax: 608-821-3071; e-mail: info@madisoncatholicherald.org. Deadline is the Wednesday preceding the week of publication.