Bishops' Schedules:
Schedule of Bishop William H. Bullock
Saturday, April 13, 2002
5:00 p.m. -- Preside and Preach at Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, Korean Catholic Community, St. Raphael Cathedral, Madison
Sunday, April 14, 2002
11:00 a.m. -- Preside and Preach at Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, St. Augustine University Parish, Platteville
6:00 p.m. -- Preside and Preach at Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, St. Paul Catholic University Center, Madison
Monday, April 15, 2002
6:00 p.m. -- Preside and Preach at Celebration of the Eucharist, 50th Anniversary of Serra Club of Madison and Admission of Seminarian Diego O. Cuevas to Candidacy for Ordination as Deacon and Priest, St. Raphael Cathedral, Madison
Wednesday, April 17, 2002
7:30 p.m. -- Preside and Preach at Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, Holy Rosary Parish, Darlington
Schedule of Bishop George O. Wirz
Saturday, April 13, 2002
11:00 a.m. -- Preside and Preach at Celebration of the Eucharist, Spring Day, Apostolate to the Handicapped, Monroe High School, Monroe
5:00 p.m. -- Preside and Preach at Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Monona
Sunday, April 14, 2002
10:30 a.m. -- Preside and Preach at Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, Our Lady of Assumption Parish, Beloit with St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Beloit, at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish
Monday, April 15, 2002
6:00 p.m. -- Concelebrate at Celebration of the Eucharist, 50th Anniversary of Serra Club of Madison, St. Raphael Cathedral, Madison
Wednesday, April 17, 2002
7:30 p.m. -- Preside and Preach at Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, St. Peter Parish, Ashton, with St. Martin Parish, Martinsville, at St. Peter Parish
Thursday, April 18, 2002
11:00 a.m. -- Preside and Preach at Celebration of the Eucharist, Madison Diocesan Association of the National Catholic Society of Foresters, followed by Spring Luncheon and Meeting, Bishop O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center, Madison
Golden wedding couples -- grateful and gracious
The Bishop: A Herald of Faith
One hundred and two couples, with family members, gathered for Mass in the Bishop O'Donnell Holy Name Memorial Chapel on Sunday, April 7, 2002.
They gathered to celebrate 50 years of married life. They were a beautiful sign of faithfulness and love to one another and to all of us gathered with them.
"These men and women are full of wisdom and understanding, full of insights on how to live life, and how to understand that marriage is bigger than those who are married. They know at the deepest level of their being that life and the gift of marriage, given them gratuitously by God, is something to be cherished, nourished, and enjoyed."
Wars and growth
As I looked out at the assembly of them, I remembered a bit of their history of change these past five-plus decades, such things as World War II, the Korean, Vietnam, and Persian Gulf Wars, not to mention the Afghanistan war on terrorism.
They also saw technology and medical science develop in unprecedented ways. They saw the Vatican II Council and its many liturgical changes. They saw a booming economy and yet a faltering one right after September 11, 2001, which rivaled the 1929 crash in the stock market.
Change in 50 years
Change is not always easy but it's inevitable in our time. It occurs rapidly and radically. Adaptation to changes, re-thinking our way of doing things, giving up long established traditions and establishing new ones, have all occurred in the time of their married life.
Yet today they are a powerhouse of prayer. They are a sign, a symbol, and a source of people who have the ability to change. They are testaments that you can not only change and survive, but that you can thrive. They represent faithfulness in marriage, not just remaining together for 50 or more years but growing and prospering anew in contemporary society.
These men and women are full of wisdom and understanding, full of insights on how to live life, and how to understand that marriage is bigger than those who are married. They know at the deepest level of their being that life and the gift of marriage, given them gratuitously by God, is something to be cherished, nourished, and enjoyed.
This annual golden anniversary event is one of the great signs of vitality in our Diocese. We need witnesses of God's love in married couples who show us the way to Christ.
Life's give and take
Our jubilarians have their own battle scars and remnants of hurt and mystery that surround their lives such as children who may have abandoned their Catholic faith, the death of a child, or some tragedy or abiding hurt of misunderstanding in their family life, but basic to their lives is an appreciation and grateful heart to God, His Word, and His Church.
One person put it well when he recalled the Gospel of Jesus and how we should follow it. He said, "Eternity is too long and life is too short to do anything that would jeopardize our life in heaven."
It was a day of grace and beauty. I wish to pay public tribute to all golden jubilarians. I pray that all of us can learn good and lasting habits from the good example of their lives.
Final thought -- 75 reasons to be grateful
Birthdays are stepping-stones to the Kingdom of God especially as I reach age 75 this week. I pray and trust that God will guide me, one step at a time, in my remaining years of life.
I am grateful for the gift of life, of Baptism, of priesthood and an opportunity to serve God in the Church these 75 years of life and 50 as priest (22 as Bishop). I am most grateful to God for good health and the people of the Diocese of Madison who are wonderful, affirming, and supportive in our work together in the Diocese. Together we've accomplished some good things, and we have enhanced our quality in faith.
Mary Uhler has covered my "birthday" and required letter of resignation on page 2 of this issue of The Catholic Herald (see Bishop Bullock at 75 ...). These resignation letters, by Bishops, are sent on or about the date of the 75th birthday of the individual Bishop. After the letter is sent to our Holy Father, the Bishop awaits a response from him. This year there are 27 United States Bishops who reach the age of 75. I am but one of them.
Official Appointments:
Most Reverend William H. Bullock, Bishop of Madison, wishes to announce the following appointments to the Catholic Charities Board of Directors for a three-year term ending December 31, 2004:
Mr. Stan Kitson
Mr. Greg Dombrowski
Mrs. Susanna Herro
Mr. Gary Schaefer
Ms. Deborah Schwartz
Rev. Daniel T. Volkert to the Catholic Charities Board of Directors, effective June 12, 2002, to complete the term of Msgr. Joseph P. Higgins ending June 30, 2003, and to a new three-year term ending June 30, 2006.
Most Reverend William H. Bullock, Bishop of Madison, wishes to announce the following appointments:
Sister Lucille Marie Frost, O.P., to be renewed as Vicar for Religious for a one-year term ending March 31, 2003.
Mr. Arthur McClure reappointed to the Diocesan Building Commission for a three-year term ending April 1, 2005.
Msgr. Paul J. Swain Vicar General